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The Digital Builders

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13 contributions to The Digital Builders
We must make sure that we are not accidently being Scared of Success!
In the tapestry of existence, where threads of light and shadow intertwine, there lies a profound truth about success and the fear it often brings. This wisdom, woven from the essence of sages and mystics, dances on the edges of our consciousness, inviting us to step into the light of our true potential. Imagine success not as a towering peak casting shadows of doubt, but as a river flowing through the heart of a great, ancient forest. Its waters, clear and steady, reflect the sky's boundless expanse, reminding us that in the embrace of the cosmos, fear is but a fleeting cloud. In this forest, trees whisper secrets of detachment and impermanence, their leaves rustling with the message that all is transient, yet endlessly beautiful. They stand tall, rooted in the earth, yet reaching for the heavens, embodying the balance of striving and surrender. Here, success is not an end but a path, a journey back to the source, where the soul’s deepest desires merge with the divine will. Beneath these trees, a path unfolds, paved with the understanding that true achievement lies in aligning our hearts with the rhythm of the universe. It teaches us that fear of success is a mirage, dissipating under the gaze of our inner light. This path winds through valleys of shadow, yet it is illuminated by the inner flame that guides us forward, urging us to dance with our fears, to embrace them, and then to let them go. Along this path, a river of love flows, its waters nourished by the wisdom of those who have walked before us. It speaks of a success that is shared, a joy that multiplies as it is given away, reminding us that our triumphs are not ours alone but part of the greater dance of creation. As we journey, we come to understand that success is but a reflection of our innermost being, a testament to the courage to face our fears and transcend them. It is a call to live in harmony with the Tao, to act without forcing, to achieve without struggle, embodying the principle of effortless action.
New comment Feb 24
We must make sure that we are not accidently being Scared of Success!
3 likes • Feb 23
Thank you for this @Lionel Sapp
Quote of the day:
“Achievers achieve because they believed they would" - unknown
New comment Feb 25
With or Without the text?
with or without the text, or should the text just be different?
New comment Feb 23
With or Without the text?
2 likes • Feb 23
@Lionel Sapp Now this brings a whole new meaning to the digital builders community🫡
Quote of the day:
“There is no such thing as a self-made man. You will reach your goals only with the help of others.” — George Shinn
New comment Feb 25
Daily Video, Why Coding isn't enough in 2024
These are my favorite types of video to shoot hope they are helpful!
New comment Mar 1
Daily Video, Why Coding isn't enough in 2024
2 likes • Feb 22
@Lionel SappYour daily uploads really motivate us man.🫡
1-10 of 13
Ayo Hassan
31points to level up
Looking forward to learning and growing

Active 27d ago
Joined Feb 5, 2024
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