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Useless topics
People in this skidding community often don't even try to figure things out on their own and just come here for help right away. Honestly, it would be faster if you just looked it up yourself. The internet has everything you need YouTube, Reddit, Telegram, etc. There are tons of tutorials, forums, and guides if you just take the time to search. Don't be lazy and ask for help here before you try to find the answers yourself. Another thing: USE COMMON SENSE. Someone literally asked if you could IP log a Twitch streamer just by them streaming. It's obvious that doing something like this would lead to serious legal trouble, cost a lot of money, and cause a lot of people to get doxxed. It's highly unethical and can get you banned or even arrested. Think before you act and consider the consequences of what you're trying to do. It is also obvious that twitch would not allow that to happen as alot of people would be doxxed. 1. Use Common Sense: Don't ask pointless questions without thinking. For example, "Hey, how do I hack Microsoft without hacking skills?" Seriously, think about what you're asking and if it makes any sense at all. 2. Use the Internet: Search online before coming here. The internet has almost everything you need. There are detailed tutorials, step-by-step guides, and plenty of forums where people have asked similar questions. You'd probably find your answer faster if you search rather than waiting for help here. 3. Try It Yourself First: Before asking for help, at least try to solve the problem on your own. Experiment, test things out, and learn from your mistakes. You'll gain more knowledge and experience this way, which will make you better at solving problems in the future. 4. Once you have done this, and it still not successful, only then come here and ask for help, thanks!
New comment Jul 18
1 like • Jul 13
Bro Am not ethical hacker
1 like • Jul 13
Am a skid but I believe in getting the Job done
Quasar rat
when i run the rat on my laptop it doesnt pop up on my client list on my quasar server how do i fix?
New comment Jul 31
0 likes • Jun 21
@Cracka Al so u mean the loopback address or what ?? R u running the RAT against yourself or a victim ??
0 likes • Jul 13
I don't understand you bro Be more vivid & specific ...I feel like its a test
Undetectable Virus
how can i make my malicious software fully undetectable from windows defender
New comment 6d ago
1 like • Jun 19
@Keirby Malveda yes try it in a VM if u r paranoid
0 likes • Jul 13
@Finka Man Notice Paid Open Source - this is a powerful loader when used correctly
How would you code a RAT in python or C++. And How risky is creating Malware
Main Question: In which language would this be more effective? Which language would it be easier to make in? If theres an entirely different language that would be more efficient for this, feel free to recommend it & explain Side Questionz Also, I'm not worried about a RAT accidentally infecting my own computer if I wrote and made it myself but what about a typical virus? If i wanted to make a regular virus that just fucks up a computer but i end up accidentally executing it inside Linux, could it break out of the VM & infect my actual computer in any way? For example, if was trying to make a worm & ran it by accident would it get into my PC? I heard worms spread via a network so i could totally see this happening but ian as sure for other malware
New comment Jul 13
1 like • Jun 21
U r funny Use C++ if u have the skills, faster & sophisticated on the worm escaping the VM if its well set for malware analysis & using NAT or a fake network simulator ,that is not easy unless you have embedded multiple zero days in it ..this is very very rare
0 likes • Jul 13
@Cracka Al NAT is more of a firewall for address translation mostly in a table Other options may be less secure eg bridged
ARP Scan doesn't detect deivces on my network
When I run arp-scan the only 2 devices that pop up are my PC and my router, even tho other devices are connected to the network. It doesn't make much sense to block ARP since it would interfere with proper work of DHCP, so what might be the deal?
New comment Jul 13
0 likes • Jul 13
I used gpt coz I didn't wanna type much on my phone
0 likes • Jul 13
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Apocalypse Warmachine
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Chilling Here Just For The Night

Active 68d ago
Joined Jun 10, 2024
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