Never get comfortable and remember Sun Tzu "Opportunities multiply as they are siezed". I just passed my elevator inspection and next week the fire alarm. On a large construction project these are the main milestones to be considered complete. I have my second in command, a club brother working for me. I got a call from a head hunter 3 weeks ago. Interviewed with the company Monday, within 30 minutes they offerred me 25k more a year, company vehicle and other perks, and a project back in FL. A week from tomorrow I will basically pass my position to my brother, which will be a 10 month turnaround to tripling his income, roll out of NC back home to FL having doubled mine in the same period, and having burned no bridges. One year ago I was bored and decided I was not achieving my potential. I decided I wanted to get back into military projects. It was all a risk and I gave no fucks and did it, and in the process helped a brother with a big career upgrade. Never settle. Chase what you want, tackle it, and eat that mfr.