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Zamboni Inner Circle

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11 contributions to Zamboni Inner Circle
Signatures on AI generated paintings
I have been playing around generating oil paintings (mainly classic scenes)in Midjourney and I am finding that at least 2 out of the 4 generated have signatures hiding in the RH or LH corner. Hard to see until you view the image in your browser. So I guess if you want to claim your images then you need to regenerate until you get a clean one. Any one else notice this?
New comment Jul 4
1 like • Jul 4
@Anthony Sunderland That explains a lot. I have been using that in the prompt as I am unfamiliar with that artists' style. I will keep recreating so that I have an "original". AI keeps learning from us doesn't it!
Prompt of the Week: Summarize A Document
“Here is a document that needs to be summarized into a concise set of bullet points: <document> DOCUMENT </document> Please read the document carefully and identify the key points, main ideas, and most essential information. Organize and consolidate this important information into a clear and concise bullet point summary. Your summary should contain no more than 10 bullet points. When creating your bullet point summary, ensure that each bullet point is informative and captures a key aspect of the document. The bullet points should be worded clearly and concisely. Avoid redundancy between bullet points - each one should cover a unique and important piece of information from the document. After you have finished summarizing the document into bullet points, present your final summary inside <summary> tags.” Thank you. Skill Leap AI Team
New comment Jul 4
1 like • Jul 4
Great instruction to use. Thank you.
Here’s A FREE Way To Bypass AI Detection
Often the 'Old School' ways really are the best. I saw this technique for spinning articles years ago, but not thought to use it for A.I. This was posted by Stephen Stetsiuk in the Dave Nic group Cut and paste generated paper into a foreign language translator. Cut and paste foreign language paper into English translator. The differences in errors/translation are often enough to deter AI recognition programs. Proofread and replace any vocabulary beyond your regular comprehension or things like,”as AI, I do not know the complexities of human opinions.”
New comment Jul 4
1 like • Jul 4
Have never entertained that idea or heard of it. Will give it a try.
How to Avoid The AI Detectors
Hi Anthony For the past year or so, I’ve been championing the benefits of AI in these newsletters. (I’m sure you’ve noticed! 😉) And that’s because I genuinely believe it’s a tool that helps overcome serious obstacles for many of my readers. Lack of writing skills… lack of time to do research, development and writing… lack of experience in business, marketing, sales and design. But by no means is AI perfect. It can get facts wrong, forget what you briefed it, and lazily trot out platitudes and generalisations that DO sound human… …but like a REALLY BORING human. Some people say that AI might destroy our civilisation. Perhaps it will – by putting us all to sleep! The world will end, not with a bang, but with a Zzzzzzzzzz…. Because here’s the main problem… Rubbish In, Rubbish Out If you leave AI to ‘do its thing’, without putting work and thought into the process, then you won’t get good results. What you’ll get will be bland, cliched, and very like the content produced by other people who use AI without knowing what they are doing. Worse, any written content you produce to sell on sites like Amazon or Clickbank could easily get picked up by AI detectors. These are getting more widespread and sophisticated. This is why I have put so much work into developing systems, strategies and blueprints that can help you use AI tools to get interesting, unique, quirky content that suits your personality or brand. Yes, it DOES take more effort than simply entering a prompt then cutting and pasting the result – even if you make some tweaks here and there. Beware the AI ‘Experts’ I also recommend that you ignore a lot of the so-called AI gurus and experts who are cropping up everywhere, because they don’t always know what they’re talking about. For example, a little while back I received this email from John, a What Really Makes Money reader. “I already have a clickbank account and have 3-4 products that I want to promote”, he writes. “I recently tried to get these products promoted following one of the Youtube ‘experts’ but it has backfired a little as one of the steps seems to have come unstuck.”
New comment Jul 4
How to Avoid The AI Detectors
1 like • Jul 4
So many great points to follow. i have saved it to keep as a reminder.
I Present Myself
as a humble and new member of this group, because I am relatively new to affiliate marketing and promoting digital products, I will strive to keep my ears open and learn from the collective wisdom of all of you. I am a retired paramedic from the San Francisco Fire Department after a 30-year career and a community college professor teaching EMS for 14 years.
New comment Jun 4
2 likes • May 28
Just keep moving forward and take action where your interest lies- which will keep you motivated to learn more to put into action and hopefully see quick results. I am constantly learning- and enjoying the journey. Past RN and now working with the digital world.
1-10 of 11
Anne Thornton
32points to level up
Living in Melbourne, Australia and gradually learning about AI and its uses in my retirement.

Active 41d ago
Joined Jan 18, 2024
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