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3 contributions to Freedom Academy
I just relapsed
Yesterday my temptations got the best of me I went like went like 2 weeks with seeing an escort. I’ve hitting the gym everyday, reading, getting closer to god but now I’m back at square one. All I can say is that I shouldn’t let this ruin me and all I can do is collect data and keep on going
New comment May 20
6 likes • May 20
Don’t count your days. Going a whole month and relapsing once within the month does not ruin your progress. It’s like saying missing 1 day at the gym will make you lose your muscle. You’re gonna fall from time to time and not do what you’re supposed to. We’re not perfect. What’s important is you get back up and try again.
The Art of Self - Control
Man it’s been more than a year since doing anything sexual. No escorts, No porn, No masturbation. (Did not have more than 10 relapses within the year) It’s safe to say that that’s not who I am anymore. I find it disgusting when I visit an adult site now and I’ve realized how much more in control I am compared to a year ago when I would give in, in an instant. How are you guys doing?
New comment Apr 29
2 likes • Mar 15
@Daniel Thomas focusing on the lessons led me to recover. I am now more productive with my time, energy, and money. I also practice prayer as I’ve got closer to god. The best way to not give in to temptation is to stay busy and you won’t even think about it.
2 likes • Mar 15
@Ben Greene Use the shame as fuel and put your energy into something worth putting it in to like exercise. Wallowing and beating yourself up for it won’t help you. Take action and eventually you will stop thinking about it so much. know that regardless of how many times you’ve fallen and what mistakes you’ve done, you’re still worthy to be happy and get the life you want man. Always.
Day 2/30
Day 22/30 I relapsed day 22. I came so close! But it it what is. I just got to a point where I started getting bored by the repetitiveness of my routine. I felt like I was punishing myself. My brain forgot how painful it was, every-time I engaged in this behaviour, it was reminded this weekend. So I am confident that I can recover from this. I had the worst experiences when I relapsed so hopefully that will drive me to drift further and further away from my bad habits. What let me down was the weekend, this is when we tend to ruin our lives, I’ve found. So I am making a routine for my weekends. I need to find other ways to treat myself. I am going to start church every Sunday to give me some sort of stability and responsibility for the weekend. The main goal is to become a better man that people can rely on. I need to continue building a strong foundation for myself. We go again, an attempt at a month clean. I will keep you updated
New comment Mar 11
1 like • Mar 11
Do it. Exactly what I did. Try not to count the days though. It’s unhealthy. Make it a way of living.
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Angel Sifuentes
43points to level up
Fitness | Family | Religion ✝️

Active 4d ago
Joined Feb 25, 2024
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