Hello! I’m Andrew, husband and father of 2 boys under 9. I am stoked to be apart of this group as I know have needed support and encouragement throughout my entire life. Life has been a roller coaster for me and fighting uphill feels like an eternal battle. When I finally feel like I may be getting some traction life will throw another curve ball. I’ve been learning to roll with the punches and hit back twice as hard. My surprise this year was being able to recognize how much hidden and divine strength is gifted to fathers/husbands. Each day, I have found the will to continue on regardless of how dark the circumstances might feel, especially for those that I love. The concept of “Kaizen” has helped me focus on small, daily improvements, line upon line, precept upon precept. My hobbies/passions are motivation, paintball, guns, the outdoors and video games! Thank you all for having me along for the ride. See you stateside! - Andrew