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Alternative Therapy Options - Part I: Soundhealing or Soundbaths
Before you keep scrolling...gimme a minute. I know, I know...some might call this woo-woo. But, human beings have been using the power of sound since thousands of years. We simple need to remind ourselves of this: when notes are played in coherences, they create harmony. When they're incoherent, there is musical chaos. We also know that music equals certain frequencies and that each human emotion has a certain frequency (e.g. 'Letting Go' book by David R. Hawkins). As a result, music directly influences our being...AND it can also alter it. To use a more scientific term, the perineural system in our body is responsible for aligning with these frequencies. It transmits biomagnetic pulsations throughout our entire body and has an intense power of changing our nervous system. So, how do you find sound healing or where do you do it? Typically, you can just google sound healing or sound bath sessions wherever you are in the world. I highly recommend doing it in person for the best effect. It is often hosted in a group session environment, guided with a few words, but mostly keeping it to instruments, such as gongs, tuning forks, didgeridoos, gongs, crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, frame drums, whistles, flutes, rain sticks and the voice. If you want to dig deeper on the scientific side of this powerful therapy, check out e.g. the chapter "Sound Healing, Theory, and Practice" in the book "Nutrition & Integrative Medicine" (2019). Have you tried sound healing before? What was your experience? If you haven't tried it yet, what are some reservations you may have about it? Let us know in the comments below. 👇
New comment May 13
Alternative Therapy Options - Part I: Soundhealing or Soundbaths
1 like • May 13
I’ve never tried it. Even though I like the sound of most of these instruments.
🪺🐣 Happy Easter 🪺🐣
Days like this Easter Sunday and Easter Monday invite us to take a look inside. As the theme is 'resurrection' - what part of yourself has been kept asleep and should be awaken more again? Is it the fun part? The peaceful part? The curious part? Whichever side of you it is, grab pen and paper, set your time to 2min and write down your answer to this question: "How can I live more of [xyz] part?" Happy stress-releasing! 💃
New comment Mar 31
🪺🐣 Happy Easter 🪺🐣
1 like • Mar 31
Happy Easter!!
If You Could Give Your Stressed Out Friends 1 Piece of Advice
...what would that be? Let us know in the comments below 👇
New comment Mar 27
1 like • Mar 23
Breathe and listen to your body. We have physical queues that alert us.
1 like • Mar 26
@Pamela Wagner for me is my breath
What's One Step You Can Take Today To Reduce Your Stress?
Let me know in the comments below 👇
New comment Mar 6
0 likes • Feb 29
Throw everything out the window so I have a clean environment and slate.
2 likes • Mar 3
@Pamela Wagner re organize my working space
Tip: When Nothing Seems To Be Working in Life...
Search for jokes. It almost immediately makes you feel better & lighter! Here's one to get started: "What is an astronaut’s favorite part on a computer? - The space bar." What's your favourite joke?
New comment Mar 7
2 likes • Feb 29
I'm actually not much of a joke person. They're funny but don't look or memorize them. I do love comedy and comedians telling their jokes. I find humor in life and sometimes say funny things. Given your point maybe I'll listen to some stand-up comedy.
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Andres Nunez
44points to level up
Business dad, ecosystem builder, angel investing, VC. Here to share and become my best self

Active 96d ago
Joined Jan 31, 2024
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