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Indie App Dev Forum

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8 contributions to Indie App Dev Forum
🚀 APP idea validation challenge starts today! 🎂
Links to the Zoom calls are already available in the calendar. It is my birthday, so I enabled a free 7-day trial for Indie App Accelerator. So you can jump in for this week and have access to all additional resources inside. I don't know how long I will have a free trial enabled. Depends on how many people will come in and how that will impact the community, but it is available today. Plan for this week: - Monday: Generate profitable app ideas (Today!) - Tuesday: Q&A and Support Call - Wednesday: Market research & Validation - Thursday: Know your customer - Friday: No meetings work on customer profile - Saturday: Plan your MVP - Sunday: Take a break and start building on Monday Schedule: - Live sessions at 10 PM (Riga time) - Q&A after each session - Recordings available the next day See you tonight 🚀 Aivars
New comment Nov 9
🚀 APP idea validation challenge starts today! 🎂
1 like • Nov 4
Happy birthday @Aivars Meijers. 🎂
finally reached 200$ MRR
Finally reached $200 MRR for my app! Since hitting the $150 milestone two weeks ago, I've been studying ASO to implement it into my app. This time, I’m going to try posting TikTok videos about my app. Let’s see how that plays out!
New comment Nov 13
finally reached 200$ MRR
1 like • Oct 17
Congratulations. 🥳
Creating a Safari App Extension Synced to App Data
Today I went back to my app Memorize. I will rename it to LexiBox in my next big update. I take too much time for my other apps that have better revenue for now. But reading is something that I do a lot. So I decided to focus on creating every possible way to collect new words to enrich my vocabulary and, of course, gamify it. Still a long way to go, but I'm happy for the advancements today. Also, thanks to Objective-C old guides and documentation. SwiftUI docs on things like app extensions, Safari, and multiple media still lack a lot. Hope they launch something with more details.
New comment Oct 14
Creating a Safari App Extension Synced to App Data
0 likes • Oct 14
@Michaël Dardol Yes, I prefer it too. The only place that I use HTML, CSS, and JS is to create the component that interacts with the web page. SwiftUI is cool to create the Popup view. I'm following this native approach too.
What tool do you use to manage your projects?
Even working on my side projects, I always handle it as if I were working with a team. Having a structure helps me prioritize and ship more quickly. This removes the trap of thinking too much in the morning about what to do. It's essential because sometimes we have only minutes or hours to iterate in our side projects.
New comment Oct 15
What tool do you use to manage your projects?
2 likes • Oct 14
@Martin Wright I'm using GitHub Projects, then I convert the drafts to issues and use the Iteration Template. Also, because after I break things into tasks, I also like to be very close to the code too.
1 like • Oct 14
@Zan Cerne Nice. I use reminders too. But as a way to outline what I actually need to take action. Usually, the details are in other tools, but I like to see my day organized this way too.
My macOS App is Live on PH
You can support me here if you want to 🙏 Thank you
New comment Oct 7
1 like • Oct 7
Congratulations @Lien Muguercia on the launch. Upvoted! Most people focus on iOS. It’s good to see some macOS apps here. I started recently porting one of my apps to macOS.
1-8 of 8
Amarildo Lucas
38points to level up
iOS Engineering Specialist Lead. Swift Illustrated.

Active 29d ago
Joined Sep 24, 2024
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
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