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Pod School

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7 contributions to Pod School
Feedback on YoutTube Banner
Hey folks! I wonder if I could get some feedback on this Youtube banner I had designed by someone on Fiverr. I have to approve by tomorrow! @Alex Chisnall suggested that I change the banner to one that tells the viewer what they'll get from my channel. Do you feel this represents my storytelling podcast about flight attendants?
New comment 4h ago
Feedback on YoutTube Banner
1 like • 4h
Thanks @Peter Ong! That's a great idea!
Pod School Review Review!
I can't thank @James Burtt and @Alex Chisnall enough for the valuable feedback and advice about my podcast! I've already put things into action and looking forward to reporting back on improvements! I can't wait to hear other podcast reviews as I know I can discover more aha moments!
New comment 12h ago
2 likes • 3d
Thank you so much @Olly Hall-Green! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do!
1 like • 12h
Thank you so much @Jim Nixon !
Evening Pod School'ers, we need you help. Now that we are a week into building this fantastic podcast family (which Alex and I have thoroughly enjoyed by the way!) we would love to know what aspects you have found most valuable and what subjects you would like us to cover next. This week we have done: 2 x podcast audits, 1 x training on some of the key fundamentals of a launch and 1 x Q&A. So what has been the best part for you, what else do you need from us, what format do you want...? We know, from a recent poll, that launch and marketing seem to be the most key things that you guys want us to cover, but what else can we do to make this the most valuable podcast place on the interweb!?
New comment 14m ago
1 like • 12h
I've not managed to watch all the playbacks yet, but I really appreciated the actionable tips I received in my review. And I'm looking forward to seeing others reviews as I know I'll get inspired!
REPLAY: Live Podcast Audit of The Red Eye Podcast
Hey Pod Schoolers, great session tonight as we did a live assessment of The Red Eye Podcast from our lovely member Ally Murphy. Ally has created a VERY well produced show with a very high production quality, expert storytelling and an obvious target market that this content resonates with. The main takeaways from this session revolve around the marketing of the show with some ideas for trailers and clips that a lot of other podcast makers could be using in their show's marketing strategy too. WATCH THE REPLAY VIA
New comment 2d ago
2 likes • 3d
@James Burtt Thank you for such valuable feedback! I've already started to put it into action. Not just for the Red Eye but I made a YouTube video for my personal channel today using B-roll!
A Great Example Of Where Your Podcast Can Reach...
Check this out... what started as a podcast has become well established enough to become a TV special! Of course, Gary Neville is already a ITV pundit, but it just goes to show that with the right content, that talks directly to a targeted audience your podcast can reach a wider audience that you might initially imagine. Now, I am NO Gary Neville (who is a bit of a business OG by the way! ) but I know from experience that podcasts can lead to some amazing opportunities; - I have shared the stage with the Godfather of Motivation Les Brown - Interviewed Grant Cardone - Was the first person to ever interview one of the world's leading human biologists Gary Brecka - Featured in Business Insider as a media expert around the launch of Price Harry's podcast - Appeared on GB News to talk about the power of podcasting - Have done live shows in front of hundreds of people in London's West End From small podcast acorns come big media oak trees if you get this stuff right! What's the No.1 opportunity that your podcast has created for you / your brand / your business?
New comment 9d ago
A Great Example Of Where Your Podcast Can Reach...
2 likes • 9d
This is an ultimate goal for my podcast! I think it would make a great tv series, perfect for streaming! So far though, what the podcast has generated for me, is an individual voice! My perspective clients talk to me about the podcast, are interested in the stories and see me as more than just another person in the field. I was on BBC World Radio a few weeks ago as a paid expert!
1-7 of 7
Ally Murphy
1point to level up
Ex Cabin Crew, travel expert, now award winning voice actor. Host of The Red Eye Podcast, telling the extraordinary true stories of flight attendants!

Active 4h ago
Joined Jun 27, 2024
Seattle, WA, USA
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