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Don't Waste Your Precious Life

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3 contributions to Don't Waste Your Precious Life
what are you struggling with?
what are you currently struggling with in regards to your life? what would be valuable to you in this community that we're not currently offering?
New comment May 10
what are you struggling with?
1 like • Apr 28
Piling on every practice I've used before that helped me act in accordance with myself to see how well they stack together.
1 like • May 10
@Trinley Goldenberg Sometimes I feel overwhelemed, but it's more like when I try to implement a plan, I inevitably find myself drifting from it.
what if your procrastination is incredibly wise?
so many of us have been told that "gut feelings" and intuition aren't real that the sensations in our bodies don't contain any wisdom or truth but when you really pay attention, you start to see that's not the case at all take a look at the pictures below, and imagine you're there do you feel something in your body when you see them? maybe a sinking feeling, a sense of worry, or the need to change them? those physical reactions are happening all the time, whether we're conscious of them or not your body is constantly scanning your environment, using your past experiences to anticipate what might happen next the same thing happens when you meet a new person sometimes you just get a good or bad vibe, without knowing why that's your intuition putting together subtle cues, and warning you about potential outcomes so how does this relate to motivating yourself? sometimes, you just don't feel like working there's a sense, if you tune into it, that something about doing this project would be bad, or wrong it may seem like this is arbitrary, something to overcome, but it's not it's something to tune into, and understand maybe, it's an old trauma or worry - something to let go of but often, there's wisdom in this resistance - a desire to not harm yourself, a sense that there's something you need to do first the more you practice tuning into these sensations, the more information you can access your body is incredibly wise, if you know how to listen to it
New comment May 14
what if your procrastination is incredibly wise?
1 like • May 10
@Trinley Goldenberg How do you send love to your procrastination? I can understand sending acknowledgement, saying that "your worries are heard", though I have not yet mastered that skill. But sending love? That seems harder and more frightening.
introduce yourself
what brings you here friend?
New comment 12d ago
introduce yourself
7 likes • Apr 27
My biggest problem right now is persistently not listening & not following the voice inside me that tells me what the next step should be. The "voice", or rather the gut feeling of what the next step should be, is quiet and ignored by default. There are some techniques I can apply that can snap me out of that and awaken me to my instincts. But I'm afraid that if I try it a bunch I'll see that they won't actually work. I think I wound up in this situation because I spent most of my formative years having crippling migraines, and paying attention to myself just made my pain clearer. But also, these migraines would ebb and flow in intensity, and very often I'd get excited by something and start working hard and then like the fist of God a migraine would come in and crush my brain in a vice grip. But that's less of an issue now. I think a lot of what is holding me back is a set of psychic scars that resist my attempts to think.
2 likes • Apr 28
@Dillon Schiley Here's one of the techniques I was referring to. Be warned that the author eventually went insane and committed suicide. As far as I'm aware, the suicide was unrelated to this as they were getting up to some bizzare things. I've also practiced it, alongisde Gendlin's Focusing, on and off for several years and feel better now than I did in the past, mostly for unrelated reasons. So I don't think it is particularly dangerous. But it would be unethical not to warn you.
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Algon Ar
8points to level up
Trouble listening & following to the bit of me that knows what to do. Recovering from psychic scars of chronic migraines.

Active 135d ago
Joined Apr 26, 2024
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