"We are called to use our time, talents, and treasure to SERVE OTHERS." If You're Struggling With Imposter Syndrome… LISTEN UP! People Don't Need An Expert 🙅♂️ What They Need Is Help 🙌 If you've trying to justify making the financial and time investment to start and build a profitable online business using a Skool Community... But are struggling to justify whether or not you are "Qualified" to work with people, consider this… WE ARE CALLED TO USE OUR TIME, TALENTS, and TREASURE to SERVE OTHER PEOPLE. And that’s what businesses and communities are for! It's not about you ❌ It's about PEOPLE ✅ Instead of asking: Am I "Qualified" to help? Ask yourself: Am I "Called" to help? And if you’re scared of “sales” then stop trying to "Sell" your audience, and start "Serving" your audience instead! Stop asking yourself: Do I have the "The Right" to run a business? And start claiming: It’s my RESPONSIBILITY to help others through my business! Those who believe they can and those who believe they can’t are both usually right... (read that again) Success or Failure simply comes down to the language and way you talk to yourself daily! Remember, you may have started for selfish reasons (we all do)... but it’s not about you. It’s about the people you were put on this earth to serve! Who are you called to serve? 🤔 PS… If you have not registered for the live event coming up 2 days from now where I am going live to give you the BEST Instagram strategy to grow your community, audience, and business FAST in 2025… then use the link below to register ASAP… You aren’t going to want to miss this! Rooting for you, -Josh