Making Sync Your Business
For those planning to aggressively pursue Sync Licensing as a business, you might want to check out It's a great platform for organizing and maintaining all your records for each song: 1.) tracks and stems, 2.) songwriters, 3.) producers, 4) musicians, 4) split sheets, 5.) PRO info, 6.) releases, 7.) contracts, 8.) sync agreements, 9.) pitches, etc. The site also helps you identify key words and attaches that metadata to your tracks and stems. You can email pitches directly from the site and receive feedback when someone opens your pitch. It doesn't know if they read it or listened to the song(s), but it at least confirms they got it, which you usually never know unless they decide to license your material. Robina and Scott are really pleasant and helpful. I think they are like the for organizing the business side of your sync licensing. Check them out. FYI: I get nothing for recommending them, I just think they provide a needed service and they are fun people to work with. Either way, best of luck in your sync endeavors.