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Promote Your Video Games

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This group is for game developers wanting to promote their Indy games, commercial games or crowdfunding game projects.


A.I. Royalty Rockstars

Public ā€¢ 1.2k ā€¢ Free

Movementgems Elite

Private ā€¢ 13.1k ā€¢ $14/m

The 4D Copywriting Community

Public ā€¢ 36.7k ā€¢ Free

Closer Cartel

Private ā€¢ 4.7k ā€¢ Free

The Founders Club

Private ā€¢ 35.5k ā€¢ Free

Davie's Free Ecom Course

Private ā€¢ 39k ā€¢ Free

Cold Email & Lead Gen Secrets

Private ā€¢ 13.9k ā€¢ $9/m

Make Em Beg to Buy

Private ā€¢ 503 ā€¢ Free

Skool Community

Public ā€¢ 140.7k ā€¢ Paid

51 contributions to A.I. Royalty Rockstars
Never go a day without sales
I haven't gone a day without sales in over 20 years... Travis here... It's a beautiful Sunday! I'm gonna go have some coffee with Jeannie... Sales will come in like clockwork while I'm hanging out on the perch with her. (The perch is our favorite spot to look at the lake.) I have a simple approach to regular sales that weathers any storm and tech changes... Over 20 years, there's been a doozy ofĀ storms and technology tornadoes. I've survived and thrived through them all and made sales every day. May I shareĀ my 3-step approachĀ with ya? Here it is: šŸ‘‰TheĀ skill to buy off-market targeted traffic from people who don't sell traffic for a living. (I can buy $10 of traffic for $1 off market.) šŸ‘‰Having a decent offer that takes something off someone's plate. (Yours or someone else's as an affiliate.) šŸ‘‰ Follow-up Mojoā€”Mastering follow-up has made me more money than anything else. For Example, it's routine for me to add $100,000 or more after a webinar, auction, post, etc. My biggest secret? Knowing when to use One-to-one follow-up and when to useĀ automatic follow-up. (and knowing the difference!) In short... If you can get targeted cheap traffic on demand, send them an offer that removes something from their to-do list and FOLLOW UP... I'd be surprised if you ever go a day without sales... Even on a lazy Sunday! Rooting For Ya, Travis
New comment 11d ago
Never go a day without sales
4 likes ā€¢ 11d
Great post. And has you teach Travis, you can do that follow up for other people too, especially local businesses that don't even communicate once after the sell to thank them.
The Shogun Method - Deal done from very first email sent!
So I sent my first Shogun Method email out to a list owner and here we are with the first deal done! He only has a small list of 3,000, but after his first reply asking about how much I was prepared to pay, I used (virtually copy and pasted) the 2nd email template from the Shogun Method to reply and we have a deal at the price HE suggested. 3 separate ads in his weekly newsletter. Total cost for 3 ads to his 3k subscribers?... $50 bucks! Hmmm. Reckon I might use the Shogun Method a LOT more! Thanks @Travis Sago
New comment 16h ago
2 likes ā€¢ 12d
50 dollar? That's less than a coffee at Starbucks šŸ˜‚. Well done and inspiring to hear.
UPDATE 1: My first deal as a ā€œlicensing agentā€
Just a short update to the original post here: My first deal as a ā€œlicensing agentā€ Over the past weekend, the store brand owner (distributor) wrote up some product page copy to sell the pdf guide. Then we realized we needed some partially blurred out product images to go on the page too. I produced those myself easily enough in Canva using the blur tool available in the free version. Iā€™m no graphic designer by any means. But heā€™s happy how they came out, so weā€™re rolling with ā€˜em. Today, fingers crossed he has the time šŸ¤ž heā€™ll add everything in and do a test sale to test the delivery mechanism. And double fingers crossed šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž delivery goes smooth and weā€™ll be up and running. A couple things Iā€™ve realized so far going through this process. Travis has been known to mention that for every minute you make someone think about something, it can add days or weeks for it to get done. Many times it leads to a dead deal. Luckily the dead part šŸ˜µ isnā€™t the case here, but I believe thereā€™s probably some things I might have done differently to expedite everything. Our partners are super busy people, so anywhere I can take things off their plate might save days/weeks of delay. One beingā€¦ I might have offered to draft up the product page copy and take that off the store brand partnerā€™s plate. Another that I still might do is to draft up a sales email or two for him to send his current and past customers. Curious if you can think of any others I could have, or might still, apply?
New comment 16d ago
UPDATE 1: My first deal as a ā€œlicensing agentā€
1 like ā€¢ 17d
Thanks for the update. I would say uou have most things covered. The o ly other things I can think of is you could write a short F.A.Q based on the pdf (not sure Iif you have the pdf yet?). Maybe record yourself reading the pdf to give to him as an audio version?
Licence this Dental product as your own, sell for 3K upwards!
Hi Guys If you've been wanting to get in on the action of licencing and get your own product you could sell for north of 3K (for free), then read on... A fellow member here @Mark Pocock who is a professional copy writer created a marketing package a few years ago for a local dentist that not only saved his practice, but generated more growth 4 weeks than his previous 15 years in business! When you consider a full treatment of implants can cost around $35,000...selling a package like this for 3K would be a steal for them. It's never been sold to the public so anybody taking this on would get a serious head start. All we would ask would be a percentage of the sale, or a set fee per sale, something we can discuss if you're interested. Hint: Whilst you could sell it onesey twosey, why not do do what Travis teaches and put it into the hands of somebody who could sell a ton of these, like a dental supplier, or a Dental FB / Skool group owner? DM me if you want to talk more and see the package. The package includes (all in editable document format): 26 letter / email promotions 1 Appointment Card template 31 Adverts 1 Customer referral template 1 Customer collector template 1 Lead Magenet 1 Dental Sign 1 Quick Start guide for Dentists to use the product 5 Web pages for a website All the best, Phil and Mark
New comment 18d ago
Licence this Dental product as your own, sell for 3K upwards!
0 likes ā€¢ 19d
@Honey Syed It was a combination of the materials in the pack but mainly the ads, and then the letters that went to existing customers which now could easily be sent as emails. @Mark Pocock could you give any more detail?
0 likes ā€¢ 18d
@Honey Syed Good points! Actually, I should have said before that a lot of the marketing material in this package is aimed at implants and other high end treatments. The difference here is these ads have been used and proven. The trick as you say is how it is marketed to the dentists. Are you interested at all in giving it a go?
My first deal as a ā€œlicensing agentā€
Two things I learned from Travis about structuring licensing dealsā€¦ 1. you can come about it from a thousand and one ways, and 2. you can make up your own rules as long as everyone agrees This is a little breakdown of what I did as a licensing agent, or ā€œconnector hatā€ as I sometimes call ā€˜em, to put my first deal together. BTW this is by no means a perfect example. Far from it. But thought Iā€™d share to show how one country bumpkin from Arkansas was able to still make it happen using what Travis teaches in this group. I took on the licensing agent role because I like being a connector. Donā€™t really have my own proven IP. And really enjoy uncovering NEERs for distribution opportunities. šŸ”‘ So hereā€™s the key points... Originally I reached out to a guy on twitter to see if had the value bombs he was doling out freely over there packaged up into a course. If he did I wanted to license it out. He didnā€™t. But I remembered Travisā€™ sheik and luxury car dealership story and what he said to do if youā€™re just starting out - ** Get control of distribution first. Then itā€™s easier to source a product fit. ** The aforementioned value šŸ’£'s the guy shares is about driving traffic to his ecomm stores. Heā€™s shared numbers before so I knew it was a safe bet he gets a good amount of traffic and customers. So I asked him if he ever wanted a digital product to offer his customers I could probably source something through my network (network being all you peeps in this group). He replied back a yes to that with the name of one his store brands that he could use a digital product for (see the msg pic1 attached). This brand sells handheld hidden camera detectors. We hopped on a call to explore what digital IP would make a good fit. One of the ideas that came out of that call was a security guide for travelers pdf. Preferably by a security authority figure. Funny enough although I made a post here in the group to source a product and received some great ideas, I actually stumbled on an IP partner through happenstance.
New comment 21d ago
My first deal as a ā€œlicensing agentā€
1 like ā€¢ 28d
Hey @Adam Ayer - Man, this is greeeeaaaaaaaaaat!!!!!! I love how you've ended up with your own IP that might end up being even more successful than the purpose you were creating it for. p.s. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, well done buddy!
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Phil Wheatley
258points to level up
Bio to be completed soon

Active 22h ago
Joined Feb 14, 2024
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