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8 contributions to Solo Q Solution
Masters elo hlep
Hey everyone, im currently hovering around 200 - 300 lp masters mostly playing lee sin jg and i need help with snowballing my lead against the enemy jgler as i have mostly mechanics and not that well decision making. for ex: when to invade while also reseting your camps and being able to get as much objectives with a lead. i can go more indepth if need be. Thanks yall
New comment Aug 14
1 like • Aug 14
Hey there, here to help! Generally snowballing your lead against the enemy Jungler comes down to 3 fundamentals: - Jungle tracking - Tempo - Item power spikes Jungle tracking can be very useful for knowing not only where the enemy jungler is pathing so you can meet him on the opposite side, but also to track his camp spawn timers. For this getting a ward on either his raptors or buffs lvl 1 (i know you dont want to waste your trinket at lee sin so maybe ask your mid to ward raptors) will allow you to track him and mirror his camp timers to yours. So for example you know he started red and full cleared and you started red and full cleared, you will now know roughly his wolves spawn the same time as yours and so on. Tempo is important for snowballing your lead similar to jungle tracking, its so you understand when you can invade or when you should base/stay on the map. If you are 'on tempo' meaning you haven't wasted time you can know that you are able to match the enemy jungler somewhere and potentially kill him. If you are not on tempo meaning you used your tempo somewhere, this is generally where its better to just clear your camps as the enemy jungler will be 'ahead' of you in his clear meaning you wont make it to that camp you know is spawning. Essentially your tempo is something that you can use and although champions like lee sin generally can 'use' this tempo more frequently, its still important you make sure every move you make is a good use of your time. Lastly Item power spikes is going to be super important to think about, as soon as you hit eclipse or just know you are stronger than the enemy at any point, you always want to 'match' them. So for example if you are stronger and the enemy starts the grubs, if you have the tempo to do so you want to always go fight them. The other side to this is 'trading' where you are weaker and should look to trade the grubs for potentially his blue, a bot gank, a dragon. Hope this helps!
Jungle Group Coaching VOD
New comment Aug 8
Jungle Group Coaching VOD
After a pretty big loss streak, finally I won. Iron 4 Hecarim Jungle.
I was focused on power-farming the entire game. I managed an early kill on Talon (which in fact tilted him) and Brand. You can say I was carried, but I feel unstoppable now. I think I helped massively by saying things like "I hope everyone has fun" and "We must remain untiltable" in Champ Select. I made Brand leave after a while and Lillia was crying in all chat about Brand and Samira leaving and Talon going AFK. I feel bad to be honest.
New comment Aug 6
After a pretty big loss streak, finally I won. Iron 4 Hecarim Jungle.
1 like • Aug 6
Haha hit them with the classic mental warfare! congratulations on ending that loss streak, sometimes all we need is that one win to get us back on our feet! (also no need to feel bad xD)
Any tips on graves?
After long thought on which champion to main I decided to finally try out with graves, his snowball ish play style seems really attractive and learning to counter jungle properly looks fun. I would love to ask though, if there is any graves connoisseur here, some simple beginner tricks like what to ban or build… or if you guys know any good graves content creators so I could check them out, that would also be really appreciated. Thank you all
New comment Aug 5
1 like • Aug 5
You want to play him as a super carry, your goal is to get to 3/4 items as fast as possible. Graves doesnt really have any obvious strengths in terms of farming or ganking so you need to find a way to hit your power spikes with some creativity but also not going for 50/50 ganks. Here is an example of Kanavi, a really good korean graves player: This channel has lots of other vods too you can watch.
Early game pathing as low CC jungler
When you play a champion like Kindred or Graves you do not have the tools to lock down a champion which makes it hard early game to gank a laner that lacks CC. Let's say that the enemy jungler is playing someone that is hard to invade. Which lane do you path towards, the lane that will probably have priority or the lane that can setup a good gank?
New comment Aug 5
3 likes • Aug 5
Hey man, great question! When it comes to early game pathing you always want to have the mentality of doing what is best for you, meaning what can you get out of pathing to a specific lane. Usually this comes down to how likely is it that I can get a kill in the lane you are pathing towards. This can be done by simply identifying these 3 factors: - Does the enemy in that lane have mobility (for example and ezreal E) - Do my laners have gank setup that is somewhat reliable (for example annie stun) - How volatile is the lane going to be (how much are they going to be fighting/trading) If you feel there are no viable options to path towards and the game is just going to be slow/non volatile, you can still play for yourself by either doing something like a raptor clear (starting raptors -> krugs -> red -> wolves -> gromp -> blue -> scuttle -> back to your raptors -> krugs) Seeing as you used Kindred/Graves as examples, these are both champions that need setup like you say, so if you do not have any obvious options to path towards, tracking/invading the enemy jungler by finding where they start early with a trinket on either buff and meeting them after your 3 red side camps plays to those champions strengths. Even if you dont end up going for an invade, knowing where they start and mirroring your camp timers to theirs can lead to future invades on their camps because you know the spawn timers. Hope this helps!
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Leo Romer
31points to level up
Coach & Course Creator @SoloQ Solution | 4x 🌍Worlds / 7x 🏆OCE / Multi Season Challenger

Active 27d ago
Joined Jul 13, 2024
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