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6 contributions to Solo Q Solution
🏆August Challenge Announcement!
Hey grinders! We’re excited to introduce our new Monthly and Weekly Challenge. These are designed to help you commit to your main champion, massively upgrade your champion mastery skills, and climb the ranks. 🎯 Monthly Challenge: From August 1st to August 31st, play 50 games with your main champion or champion pool of 1-3 champions. Show your dedication and consistency! 🏆 Monthly Reward: One lucky member who completes the challenge and shares verifiable proof in the comments of this post will win a 60-minute coaching session with their desired coach! 🎯 Weekly Challenge: From August 1st to August 8th, play 12 games with your main champion. Perfect for players who want to start strong and stay focused! 🏆 Weekly Reward: One member who completes the weekly challenge and shares verifiable proof in the comments of this post will get priority to review their chosen VOD in the next group coaching session live with their coach! Ready to tackle the challenge and level up your champion mastery, whether it’s a new main or a long-time OTP? Let’s get grinding and show us what you’ve got! 💥🌟💪
New comment 29d ago
🏆August Challenge Announcement!
1 like • Aug 7
Done with all 12 games. Went 7 wins and 5 loses with a 5 game winstreak in the beginning. Really fun being back and tryharding on the rift.
Early game pathing as low CC jungler
When you play a champion like Kindred or Graves you do not have the tools to lock down a champion which makes it hard early game to gank a laner that lacks CC. Let's say that the enemy jungler is playing someone that is hard to invade. Which lane do you path towards, the lane that will probably have priority or the lane that can setup a good gank?
New comment Aug 5
1 like • Aug 2
@Anme Kazaki You’re right. I think I just focused on the free mark and tilting the enemy jungle. Im going to try and mix things up. Thanks a lot!
1 like • Aug 5
@Leo Romer Thank you so much. This cleared up a lot of things and I hope we further explore the subject tomorrow at the group coaching.
JG Gap
This is why Lillia is one of Kindreds best matchups. I did my top side and invaded lvl3. Killed Lillia. Because the mark spawns earlier than crab and because I already had a mark the mark will always spawn on gromb. Got the gromp mark and then got tower dove Fiora and GG 3 marks at 3 min.
New comment Aug 4
JG Gap
🧙‍♂️ Become an Expert
Hey everyone, I wanted to spark a discussion in our community about our main champion and how committed we are to them. We all know that mastering a champion takes time, patience, and a lot of practice. But at what point do you decide it might be time to switch things up? Here’s the question I’d love for you to answer: How many games are you going to commit to your champion before you consider changing your main?
Complete action
New comment 7h ago
🧙‍♂️ Become an Expert
2 likes • Aug 1
I am probably never going to quit Kindred but eventually Im going to expand my champion pool. Just for a number I am going to play 300 ranked Kindred games before I consider branching out.
Why Kindred is my OTP
When I picked up Kindred i was originally a Twitch OTP and I didn't have a duo, so I got tired of the random mage support players and decided that I wanted the ADC late game without the ADC laning phase which Kindred was perfect for. But the thing with Kindred that i discovered later was their builds. You could go bruiser items and have 4k HP without losing that much damage because of their insane passiv which makes her late game even better than a typical ADC because you can't really one shot her. Even if you go full damage you still have your ult.
New comment Aug 4
1-6 of 6
Totte Öhman
1point to level up
Emerald Kindred jungle OTP with Graves secondary

Active 22h ago
Joined Jul 31, 2024
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