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Kingdom Culture Revolution

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7 contributions to Kingdom Culture Revolution
Identity question
Is your identity firmly rooted in Christ? What issues or topics come to mind when you think about your identity in Him? What was your biggest issues when developing your new identity?
New comment 2d ago
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@MelAnn Morales Love this!
2 likes • 2d
@Angela Linville Love this in depth response.
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
Please help me give a warm welcome to our new members: @Kristin Kurtz @Debbie Reed @Sarah Kuhlman @Sheena McKinney @Steve Wormer @John Murphy @Clint Riggin @Kevin Gebert @MelAnn Morales @Angela Welch @Vona Johnson @Maureen Riley @Andrea York @Kevin Gregg @Christine van Tonder @Ingrid Morgan @Monique Horb @Tammy Rice We’re so glad you’re here! If you haven’t already, tell us where you’re from, something about your family, and what you like to do for fun. Comment on at least two peoples responses by noting what you have in common and like 3 responses to get the connections flowing.
New comment 7h ago
Pull back the velvet rope for our VIP’s
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I'm Angie! I am from Tennessee. I have three kids. I love to paint and write, and I have also dabbled in making jewelry.
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
Have the gifts of prophesy/healing/tongues ceased? (are you a cessationist?) or do they continue? (are you a continuist?). WARNING: This is a rabbit hole and a poke-the-bear kind of topic.... @Angela Linville challenged me to broach this... so here we go 🐻 Like a lot of our spiritual growth, this topic might be a journey in and of itself to land on your stance on this... you may be on a continuum. Why is this important? I believe as we march toward end times and as we are in the Hebrew year of the Door, that the veil between the natural and spiritual is thinning and we are going to see more and more "signs and wonders" both from the dark and from the light (from God and not from God). I encourage you to get with God and our Bible and an open heart/mind on this. Here's one person who has done a deep dive on the topic-- it's a review/rebuttal of the documentary about cessationists (those who believe these gifts have ceased). I confess I have not watched the whole thing... but it seems to be a balanced and Biblical and gospel centered approach and possible a good starting point for you if you do not have an answer to this question or want to reaffirm or decide where you stand. Cessationist: A Critical Evaluation of This Documentary
New comment 3d ago
A BIG question Christians need to ask/answer for themselves...
4 likes • 4d
I have taken several spiritual gifts tests and prophecy always pops up. I also believes this shows up in less than obvious ways. Most common for me is, I read scripture and feel the need to tell someone specific about this verse or the verses. One time I felt the need to break down a piece of scripture for a particular person. Or even watching a YouTube video about Christ or the Bible and feel like I have to tell and send it to a certain person.
Are you ALL IN or are you hiding your light under a bushel?
Go all in on the next chapter of your journey! This is a community where vision and purpose collide to create real momentum. If you're ready to share your gifts, message, and offers with the world, this is where it starts. We're diving deep into the topics that matter most to leaders like you: Purpose & Vision: Let’s get clear on what God’s calling you to do. Leadership: Learn how to lead with confidence in life and work. Entrepreneurship & Ministry: Build impactful businesses and ministries that advance the Kingdom. Collaboration: Connect and partner with like-minded leaders to expand your reach. Personal Growth: Strengthen your faith and step boldly into your calling. But here’s the thing—we want to hear **from you**! Drop a comment or share a post about your journey, your offers, or even something you're working on. Let’s build each other up and help move your message forward. This is a place to connect, collaborate, and grow. So don’t be shy—start sharing and connecting!
New comment 5d ago
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I've been hiding my light! I am wanting to grow into the all in. Currently struggling with the how. There are so many options out there. I am praying about it. I do know I am being led to sell devotionals and journals, eventually a book and a course. I know I'm being led to build an email list. The how that I struggle with is how to gain traction and get subscribers.
3 likes • 8d
@Angela Linville I am thinking the free version of convertkit for the email. I am going to create the devotionals and journals in canva. I am stuck on where to promote.
What would you say is the biggest, or one of the biggest, things that held you back or slowed down your progress in business?
New comment 5d ago
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@Maureen Riley yes he is! It is time I follow faith instead of the lies.
3 likes • 8d
@Lisa Vanderveen I am working on it. I have been looking up scripture to write out a statement to read to encourage me and shut down the lies at the same time. It is going to be something I can read when the thoughts and lies come up.
1-7 of 7
Angela Welch
23points to level up
Mama of three, breaking free.

Active 2d ago
Joined Sep 18, 2024
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