LIVE TODAY! Connect to Higher Consciousness, Wisdom & Truth! Workshop Wednesday, July 24th at 9am PT
LIVE workshop today: ETHERIC GALACTIC WEAVES ~ #4: The Galactic Center Weave ~ Wednesday, July 24th at 9am PT
Tap into Galactic Center energies & infuse yourself with those qualities:
> Higher Consciousness & Truth, profound insights & wisdom, spiritual growth,
> Energy Source, Relation to Cosmic Origins & Transformation,
> Catalyzing transformation, stripping away surface-level expressions & emphasizing deeper, fundamental qualities,
> Embracing deeper meaning & authenticity,
> Soul's purpose & alignment,
> Connection with universal energies beyond earthly existence.
Gain direct access to the Galactic Center for wisdom, guidance, empowerment ~ Activate your own inner Galactic Center!
~ Create your direct connection & communication lines to the Pleiades ~ Arcturus ~ Venus ~ the Galactic Center.
~ Receive your galactic insights, wisdom, guidance & activations right from the origin, in your own perfect Divine Timing.
~ Enhance the fulfillment of your Soul Plan with Galactic Self Embodiment!
Lightworkers & Heartmasters, Starseeds, Innovators, Artists & Creators, Healers & Teachers, Intuitives, Messengers & Channelers, New Earth Leaders, Spiritual Wayshowers...
It's time to amp up your Galactic Game!
MASTERCLASS: "Reclaiming your Galactic Nature"!
Brand new insights that came through over the past couple months!! I'm totally thrilled & I hope you'll join me.
A few of the comments from the audience: "Lots of tears and yawning already"... "Fascinating!"... "That was amazing".... "This is exciting stuff!!"... "Such a great call, it was exquisite!"...
Lightworkers & Heartmasters, Starseeds, Innovators, Artists & Creators, Healers & Teachers, Intuitives, Messengers & Channelers, New Earth Leaders, Spiritual Wayshowers...
It's time to Amp Up your Galactic Game!
Join me to explore
  • What’s preventing you from accessing your Galactic Family, Wisdom & Mastery ~ it all seems so familiar, yet unreachable!
  • What are the requirements to establish direct, conscious connection & communications
  • How to activate your inherent Galactic Wisdom, Energies, Skills & Abilities ~ to support & expand your Soul Purpose & Mission on Earth!
PLUS: Experience a Connection Check Up process in the Orb of Truth, to evaluate the status of your connect-ability ~ overall, then specifically with the Pleiades, Arcturus, Venus & the Galactic Center!
Sophie Bidard
LIVE TODAY! Connect to Higher Consciousness, Wisdom & Truth! Workshop Wednesday, July 24th at 9am PT
5th Dimensional Reiki
Forum for High Vibes ✨
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Practical Spirituality
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