Bladder & Sacral Chakra Bliss Workshop (Sun. Aug. 4th at 12pm PT) with Christel Hughes and Amanda Hopkins
Embark on a transformative journey with our 'Bladder & Sacral Chakra Bliss Workshop.' As we ride the waves of intensified Light, it's time to address deep-seated fears hindering your sense of safety and creativity, especially in the vital Upper & Lower realms of the Urinary Tract.
This sacral chakra area is a direct reflection of your 2nd dimensional awareness and existence. When your stage of spiritual development is stunted due to experiences of shadow sacral chakra issues that haven’t been addressed fully, you’re incapacitated by the Downward dimensional force. It puts a veil of doubt and fear on your creative Sacral Soul light expression that instead wants to be healthy and flowing.
That’s why we’ve created our BLADDER & SACRAL CHAKRA BLISS Workshop:
Your ability to cleanse, release and channel high life force hinges on a foundation of trust rooted in your Soul Light. You absolutely must have a strong, healthy and vital dimensional foundation in the 1st & 2nd dimensional realms to tap into the Full power of your Soul Light. So let’s get you free to activate those dimensional realms in your body so you can live out your Soul Light purpose in the most Blissful and Creative expression!! Remember your 2nd chakra is linked to your 5th chakra -- so 2nd dimension not being grounded in your body/being is impacting your capacity to reach the 5th dimension.
Join us to establish the conditions for animating these vibrant frequencies within your body and energy systems by getting you liberated from 2nd dimensional downward forces related to 2nd chakra issues. It's time to awaken your Highest Creative Soul Flow and sustain vital health with a dash of Bliss!
Sign up now to get your intuitive reading:
Christel will be reading your 2nd chakra issue, the location of the root of the issue (energetic pain point) and the impact it’s having on your 5th dimensional ascension.
Amanda Hopkins
Bladder & Sacral Chakra Bliss Workshop (Sun. Aug. 4th at 12pm PT) with Christel Hughes and Amanda Hopkins
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