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3 contributions to Synthesizer School
5x The Average YouTube Views I'm making weird, funny self-improvement videos on YouTube and one of them just got over 5x my average views out of nowhere. If you have a chance, could you take a look and help me figure out why it's performing so much better than the other ones?
New comment 17d ago
0 likes • 18d
I have to agree with @Simon P. . If i saw your thumbnails on my feed I'd scroll immediately. They don't resonate with the title and I can't get any idea what the video might be about on first glance so much so that i had to force myself to read the titles but only because i wanted to help you compare. The video with the "2. Honesty" immediately makes me think that there is a list so I'm curious to what else is on the list and why, which makes me want to read the title. This thumbnail is the only one that actually correlates to the title in a way that makes sense (you can do better i think without the guy with chainsaw). Keep it simple. I'm not sure if your intention is some kind of shock and awe or curiosity ploy with the thumbnails and the characters with the weird positions etc but it does nothing for people that are trying to understand what your video is about and if they want to spend their time watching it. A confused buyer will never buy as go a confused viewer will never watch.
11 people added $4,000+/month in 4 days!
How? Through the Skool Games. Join in the fun before it gets crowded!
New comment Feb 7
1 like • Feb 6
@Andrew Kirby I've been working on a list for about a year and I'm just now getting to the point where I can start testing them. Will definitely keep you posted.
0 likes • Feb 7
@Deenie Pajazitaj yeah the intention wasn't for it to take a year but unfortunately I got deathly sick for about a year and was off work for over 8 months. When I did find the energy to do a little something I would just add to the list because I knew if I made it out of that situation I would never be okay just going back to corporate america. So I needed to have a plan in place to focus on my purpose and dedicate myself to taking action to start my business.
10,000 Instagram followers in 6 Months & Selling out my Coaching Program.
Over the past few weeks my instagram @andyhvisuals has crossed 10,000 followers, which took 141 posts and 236 days. In the last 30 days alone I have grown by 3,000 followers and my Youtube is growing at a consistent rate. I sold out my 1-2-1 coaching In January, which is a £1500 investment, so my audience are also prepared to buy which is amazing. There's a handful of things I've done that have resulted in this growth and are really easy to implement. 1 - Defining My Mission Rather than nailing down a specific niche, I wrote down what I wanted to achieve, how I wanted to help and who I wanted to help. This made creating content very easy because it meant each time I made a piece of content, I just asked myself, does this help achieve the mission, that mission being... "Too elevate creators, build powerful personal brands and turn knowledge into profit" 2 - Consistency It's boring, but it works. I've posted almost everyday the last 3 months and my growth has sky rocketed in the process. I have uploaded everyday on instagram this year and once a week on youtube. Being a big fan of endurance training I know first hand how just showing up consistently can pay off in the long run. It's just being patient and consistent. 3 - Ignoring the competition The more I watched others in my area, the more I would be influenced by there content and what they are doing. Id see myself doubting what I'm doing, questioning if my methods were correct, thinking I should try what others are doing. But when I ignored everyone else, focused on what I wanted to achieve and the way I wanted to do it, that focus resulted in flow. I hope that helps in some way, or motivates. I'm dialled in on my end goal right now so please, any questions, please fire them over!
New comment Apr 15
1 like • Feb 5
Thank you for sharing this. This example helped me nail down my description for my social channels. I had been going back and forth for a few days and I was almost there but this gave me the last little piece to simplify it. I also definitely agree with the competition piece. There's nothing with looking at your competitors for inspiration but we have to stay focused on what we're good at and remember that our audience is not the same as theirs. So the content we produce and the things that our audience resonates with will not be the same. If you focus on the people that you serve, you will be much better off.
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