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I love the game of YouTube
Almost a year ago, I joined synthesizer school. In this community, I’ve had loads of ups and downs where I just was on and off on YouTube being inconsistent with what I said “my purpose” was. Then around 2 months ago, I made a decision. I realized that I needed to stay extremely consistent on one thing for an extreme amount of time if I was going to win. And I learned that after trying 13-16 different business ideas. From selling print on demand to relationship coaching, to now, YouTube with a offer of a course and personal training. And just as the author of the 12 week year “majority of our problems come from not having consistency.” Or something like that, I didn’t read the book I just heard that from Ali Abdaal. At any rate, when I made the decision 2 months that I would stick to YouTube no matter what, that’s when things started changing for me. The content on YouTube I consumed, how I treat my time, the books I read, what I did to re-charge, all of it, was used to direct towards one thing: YouTube. And I’ve been loving it. Yes I’ve had my ups and downs, I won‘t bullshit anyone. If you’re going to do something for a very long time, you won’t be able to stay sharp 100% of the time. But nonetheless, I still come back to YouTube. And after some thinking I realized why I’ve stuck with YouTube now more than ever than anything I’ve ever done. Ever since I was a child, I’m sure a lot of other kids were like this, but I loved watching YouTube. Sometimes to the point where I was extremely obsessed over it. But there was this one YouTuber I used to watch as a kid called “DanTDM.” I’m sure someone here probably knows him. And I remember watching him and saying to myself “I want to be like this guy. I want to be a YouTuber.” And that thought has always stuck with me. I’ve always wanted to be a YouTuber when I was a kid. That literally means, the more I do YouTube, the more I’m working towards my childhood dream. And most people who end up able to follow their childhood dream, are 1. More happy in the long run. And 2.(imo) much more fulfilled.
New comment 4h ago
2 people showed up...
Today I had my first group call with my community and a whole 2 people showed up. And no I am not disappointed because I had an amazing 1.5h talk and got to know who is interested in my content on a much deeper level. And I realized: "damn, the people in my community are actually like me, I love them." ACTIONABLE ADVICE: I got this strategy from Tim Ferriss. Instead of wasting people's time at meetings, allow them to do what they are here for. Talk about themselves. Get value from others. So the introduction I ask from them is to share: -Who are you, Where are you, What do you do -Shamelessly brag about one thing -Openly ask for something specific you need help with I am more than excited to do this every single week and to make the rest of the community so jealous of the good time we're having that they can't help but want to join the next time.
New comment 1d ago
Humble micro celebration, 50 subs and made 1k online
The two are not related, but a nice milestone nonetheless 50 youtube subs Earned 1k from building a website (which is theoretically an online game) 🎉
New comment 3d ago
Small Wins Accumulate
How to get your first 10 members? I focused on my own circle and am blessed to have others to support me. I'd recommend you just asking for what you want (in life and in business)- it's really that easy! I sent this to friends and posted on socials and it converted more people than I expected.... "I need a favor from my following...I'm trying to spread awareness of My Mindset Course on this website called Skool. It would really mean the world to me if you joined. Honestly, would love for you to join to show others the value of my course and would love your feedback on it... Try it out and let me know how many new members you get!:)
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