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Don’t put yourself in a box πŸ“¦
This mistake cost me at least 3 months of my life, but It wasn’t a waste because I learned this: I’m a human with specific knowledge. I’m not just the category in my bio. I always thought of myself as a filmmaker, and I am, BUT I’m also an athlete, entrepreneur, and many other things. So when I created my filmmaking group it felt off. I wasn’t motivated to post in the group, let alone scale it. After I took a step back for a week, I realized I didn’t even want the group myself. I probably wouldn’t join a group like that. The group I wanted was more holistic and more of an extension of myself, so I made it. And so far I’m way more excited about this one. The biggest business/life lesson I’ve learned is make what you want to see in the world. Make the app you want to see in the world. Make the video you want to see in the world. Make the community you want to see in the world. If you don’t want it yourself it’s highly unlikely that it will be so good other people to want it. Give people what they want but don’t know how to get and you’ll get paid. Key takeaways: 1. Don’t put yourself in a box (you’re a human not an insect) 2. Create what you want to see in the world Hope this helps πŸ–€
New comment 22m ago
Level 1 members not 100%, why?
In every community I've been a part of on the leader board tab at level 1 it's never 100% of members are level 1. This doesn't make sense. If all members start with 0 points and level 1 = 0 points why isn't it 100% of members? Or is there a criteria that needs to be hit for someone to reach level 1?
New comment 40m ago
Spam Requests
Does anyone else get a ton of spam requests in their SKOOL community? Some are obvious, but others, I am not too sure if the requests are spam or not. Do you know how to figure out peoples motives? Lol
New comment 2h ago
Keep Pushing
Hey everyone! I know sometimes life gets busy, and we put our dreams on hold. But guess what? You shouldn't and gotta Keep Pushing Forward. thats why I'm bringing back my own after i archived it and was thinking ''forget it'' and ''eh''! Remember, even if things get tough, don't give up on your passions. Let's all keep pushing and make our ideas a reality!
New comment 2h ago
Constructive feedback
- The mobile app is too Slow compare to other apps and especially Social Media Apps so it’s Harder to keep the Students. ( I’m 33 and think it’s Slow… imagine what a teenager thinks… ) - A β€œsee more” button instead of always opening the post in a new pop up - Why only pin 3 comments and why can’t you pin it so it stays up on top in seperate groups? - A β€œlive Chat” would be very useful - A nickname Option - A more clear seperatation for the groups - I think as creators we need more Freedom to customise our Community, it’s very restricted and we all have different needs and use cases.
New comment 2h ago
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