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Weekly Masterclass is happening in 30 hours
The ZSG Code👑
1. LEAD YOURSELF you are the hero you’ve been looking for. Stop waiting to be rescued… Own your choices, trust your intuition and create your own reality. 2. EMBRACE FLOW Align yourself with your true purpose, let the magic unfold, and have fun on the journey - because that’s where sustainable success lies. 3. HOLD YOUR STANDARDS If you don’t have standards, you don’t have freedom. Serve others, do work you love (with boundaries you protect) and get paid what you’re worth. Anything less is less than you deserve. 4. PURSUE MINIMALISM Complexity kills, fancy fails, but simple scales. Focus on where your passion, skills, & results collide. Protect your time, energy, profits & results - everything else is noise. 5. ATTRACT, DON’T CHASE Your true power doesn’t force - it draws effortlessly. Pull, don't push. Let go of the desperate persona, and step into the realm of leadership & authority. 6. CREATE, DON’T COMPETE Your uniqueness is your advantage. Create authentically, and make competition irrelevant by building what only you can. 7. BE A GUIDE Empower others to take control of their own outcomes. They don’t need another boss—they need someone who can pave the way and encourage them to navigate their path. 8. SERVE OBSESSIVELY When you’re deeply committed to helping others, the universe aligns. if they win, you win, everyone wins. You’re not here to just make money - you’re here to create a movement. 9. MASTER YOUR INNER GAME The external mirrors the internal. Everything starts from within. Master your emotions, beliefs, and focus, and you’ll master your results. 10. BE A SCIENTIST Everything works, you just have to find what works best for you. Test, iterate & optimize. Take risks, and let go of the idea there’s one “right” way. There is no failing, only learning. This is the way.
21 Ways to Create the Life That You Want
This guide emphasizes the importance of creating as the foundation for bringing your desired life into existence. To "create" means to actively bring something into being through your thoughts, actions, and intentions. If you don't actively create, what you want will not exist, and stagnation or regression will follow.
A3 = Attitude, Approach & Action
Utilize this and get what you want in your professional and personal life!
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Zenith Sales Group
Elevate your sales game with top-tier training, high-ticket opportunities, and a community driven by success. Join us to learn, earn, and thrive!
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