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A lot of people think they hate sales.
They think it's icky. That it requires you to be pushy and annoying.
But that's the wrong way to think about it. Do you really think pushy and annoying actually makes people want to buy something? NOPE...people don't buy from people they find annoying. It would make ZERO sense if that's how it worked.
They buy from people who understand their problems and are confident they have a solution for them.
So in order to be a good sales person, all you need is
  • Understanding Human Nature
  • Empathy
  • Self-Confidence
Of course, that takes time to develop, but it's much easier than being pushy or annoying because developing all this simply makes you a better person doing great things in the word.
And it will reward you in your life so many ways.
Okay, we know that sounds like woo woo stuff...but we also know our customers are good, kind and caring people and these skills are inside of them, just waiting to get out.
With this in mind, we wanted to turn your attention to a few helpful resources...
And of course, this video we created a while ago that will be a TREMENDOUS help in understanding human nature. If you haven't seen it, take 5 minutes to watch it now.
If you'd like to brainstorm how this applies to your own niche or product, feel free to use the comments area on the video. We're here to serve! 🙏
There are also some extra free resources in the video's description you may want to check out.
Hope you find this helpful. If you have questions, come on by the EKitHub Facebook Group...we're always happy to help!
Yusef Kulan and Alice Seba
Your Partners in Easy Product Creation at Ekithub.com
Suite 577 7184-120th Street Surrey BC V3W3M8 CANADA
Anthony Sunderland
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