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How To Give Constructive Feedback
1- Offer Objective Feedback with no judgement Critique the work and not the person. 2- Be Specific Instead of saying “Title is not good”, perhaps provide reasons why and offer alternatives that could work. E.g “Title didn’t grab my attention. Perhaps add a curiosity gap to develop intrigue such as asking a question…” 3- Feedback sandwich Wrap negative feedback with positive feedback. It can be hard when lots of people criticize your work. Take the edge off by offering something good about the video before going in. E.g “Nice effort. I like what you did with the intro but the script lost my attention after 20 seconds. Perhaps try…” 4- Ask, don’t assume Don’t make assumptions about other people. Ask questions to seek further clarification.
New comment 2d ago
START HERE - Welcome To YouTube Growth
🎯 Goal of this community = Help Youtubers grow through feedback Share your videos and ideas and get feedback on Titles, Thumbnails, Hooks, Scripts, Editing. We learn from each other and grow together. 🎓 CLASSROOMS: - YouTube Growth 101: Learn the secrets I used to get over 100k Subscribers and 10 million views. - YouTube Monetisation: Coming soon ⚡ RULES: - Be Kind - If you ask for feedback about your videos please offer feedback to others in return. This helps ensure everyone receives feedback and helps the community thrive. - No cold DM’s, promotions including self promotion. Screenshot and post cold DM’s to Mods for banning. Instant ban if your first post is self promotion. - Read the pinned post on “How To Give Constructive Feedback” Join for free (for now). At some point, it may turn into a paid community but if you join now while it's free it will remain free of charge for you forever. To start please comment below introducing yourself. Let us know: 1. Your name 2. Your Channel 3. Your challenges See you in the comments!
New comment 2d ago
Uncommony video
Any thoughts on my latest video? First long talking head video rather than the mini movie style.
New comment 1d ago
Uncommony video
Video script
Tittle: how I trained myself to be a “morning person”. Ever want to wake up early but can’t? Here’s how I started waking up early. I wrote down on an index card a challenge for myself for 6 months straight to wake up at 8:30am and most nights I’d tell myself “ I’m waking up at 8:30am” multiple times so I’d remember and every time I’d wake up at 8:30. What’s a challenge for you? Subscribe for more information.
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