A Lively Debate: Where to Launch First? Amazon -vs- Own Website - Alex Nyezhnyk - Amazon Legends - Episode 324
In this week’s episode, we dive into a lively debate: should you launch your product on Amazon or your own website first?
Our guest, Alex, the Founder of Profit Whales and the Witi Witi Brand, shares his entrepreneurial journey and insights into e-commerce and Amazon selling. Alex’s story from a middle-class family in Ukraine to a successful entrepreneur is inspiring. He discusses the pros and cons of launching on Amazon vs. your own website, how Amazon's advertising algorithms work, and his personal entrepreneurial journey. Highlights include the power of Amazon’s platform vs. the control of your own website, case studies, shipping costs, and Alex’s journey from Ukraine to founding Profit Whales.
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Nick Uresin
A Lively Debate: Where to Launch First? Amazon -vs- Own Website - Alex Nyezhnyk - Amazon Legends - Episode 324
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