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Your FREE YouTube Banner Template!
I love making things easy... Want to create a YouTube Banner (wallpaper) that looks good on ANY device??? USE THIS! I've seen a few of these floating around online and TBH, some of them were WRONG. So we made our own. Here is the exact template we use for ALL of our clients! ENJOY! Questions? Comment below!
New comment 16h ago
Your FREE YouTube Banner Template!
4 Main Content Strategies (Did you pick the right 1?)
Came across this article and it's a gem - TL;DR Why The Know Your Viewer Method is Best for You The Know Your Viewer Method is the best plan for professionals, business owners, and people who run their own companies. Here's why: 1️⃣ It uses data to help you make videos. This is good if you're busy and want to make sure your work pays off. It helps answer "Will my YouTube channel bring in new customers?" 2️⃣ It helps you make videos regularly. This is good if you have trouble making videos often or don't know what to say in videos. 3️⃣ It helps you understand how YouTube works. This is good if you're confused about how YouTube shows videos to people. 4️⃣ It helps you stand out. This is good if you think there are too many other videos like yours on YouTube. 5️⃣ You don't need lots of followers to start. This helps if you don't have many followers yet. 6️⃣ It saves time in the long run. You spend some time looking at numbers, but then you know what works. This helps if you don't have much time for content creation. 7️⃣ It helps your videos get seen. You don't have to worry as much about sharing your videos after you post them. 8️⃣ You can use it even if you're not good at making videos yet. You can get better over time. This plan doesn't address everything. It won't give you better equipment or make you feel more confident right away. But it can help you know what to do, no matter how good your videos look now. You can get better as you go. Other Content Strategies have too many problems: - Mass Upload needs too much time and too many videos. Often comes with a very high price tag! - Search & Utility Channel might be too specific and need too many videos. Being a ‘Resource-only Channel’ makes it harder getting Viewers back.  - The Home Run Game is too risky for busy people who want steady results.
New comment 4d ago
4 Main Content Strategies (Did you pick the right 1?)
Shorts vs Long Form Videos (Hint: Length does matter)
I get this question all of the time and you know what... the answer is fairly straight forward for business owners such as yourself. We even have a small study here (only 100) people to clarify things for us. Results: Out of 100 people, long-form content resulted in better recall compared to short-form content (34.91% vs 3.22%). Recommendation: Create long-form content and repurpose it into short-form videos to maximize engagement and brand recall. Put your time and energy into making valuable long form videos then get a VA to chop it up into smaller bite sized pieces for social media. Even Alex Hormoz himself says he puts ZERO time into making Shorts. His team just repurposes his long form videos. Why? Because businesses and brands should work smart, not hard.
New comment 28d ago
You NEED to watch this! And if you don’t have time to watch it, (but I highly recommend that you do) here are the main takeaways and my added 2 cents. Over 40 months, Alex Hormozi spent millions and grew his brand significantly across various social media platforms (with a focus on YouTube) by leaning on educational content over pure entertainment. If you’re learning of him just now… he’s been dominating for a while so a good idea to pay attention and maybe save yourself some money and grief along the way. 1️⃣ - He shifted from making content for himself to making content specifically catered to his target audience of business owners. This meant changes to packaging, intros, meat of the content, visuals, and preparation. Well… Duh! This is why so many professionals work with YouTube experts like me. It’s not just about the content but how the content is optimized for YouTube and your target market. 2️⃣ - Rather than covering a broad range of topics, he narrowed his focus to business-specific topics like business models, leverage, and selling. It’s ALWAYS about the Viewer and their needs. Never about the content creator. The “You” in YouTube the Viewer. 3️⃣ - The key metric he optimizes for shifted away from only views to ad revenue, as ad revenue correlates more closely with reaching the right audience. Now this is VERY interesting. I look at numerous metrics when I’m managing a client’s channel and Watch Time has been my favorite for a while now. Ever since YouTube switched to a satisfaction model, watch time is a better metric for measuring satisfaction. Alex has motivated me to pay closer attention to Ad Revenue and I’m keen to start testing. 4️⃣ - Long-form content drove more conversions (book sales, email opt-ins, applications) compared to short-form content. Different audiences prefer different formats. Many YouTube experts, including myself, discovered this back in 2023. This is why we stopped posting Shorts across all of our clients’ channels because in some cases, we saw the Shorts were not only ‘not’ adding to the bottom line BUT in fact, they were attracting the wrong audience! (Re-read the above section again if you think this isn’t a big deal.)
New comment Aug 11
You NEED to watch this!
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