What surviving a hurricane taught me!
It has been awhile since I had access to light, water or internet due to a hurricane that passed through my country. I am thankful for surviving the ordeal but I would like to share with you some lessons I learned. 1. It's a blessing to experience storms in our lives, especially when it doesn't kill us but makes us stronger. 2. Sometimes our storms come to give us a break from the things (like social media) that was keeping us busy from focusing on the things that truly matter 3. When you're without light, water and internet, it proves who in your life truly matters because without basic necessities, having someone who values who you are, does make a difference 4. Storms do come and go but having family and those who treasure you, are here to stay. 5. Learn to be thankful before you face your storm because if you can't find something worth thankful for, you won't have many reasons to be thankful during or after your storms. 6. Just remember that we all face storms whether we like it or not but once you make it through, regardless of the result, be thankful that you got another chance in life to focus on what truly matters