YOU Conscious You Community
Private group
19 members
This community, this movement, and the guidance I offer embody what I yearned for over the past 2.5 yearsโ€”a place to find freedom and evolve. Here what I offer you...
๐Ÿ’œ A Place To Belong...
Where You Could Feel at Home Away from the Turmoil of Your Life
๐Ÿ’œ A Place To Feel Loved & Supported
Where You Receive What Your Are Challenged at This Time to Give To Yourself
๐Ÿ’œ A Space For Self-Expression
Where You Can Freely Share and Be Genuinely Understood Without Judgment
๐Ÿ’œ A Place To Build Connections
Where You Create New Relationships and Friendships with Like-Minded People
๐Ÿ’œ A Place To Become A More Conscious YOU
Where You Can Grow, Expand at Your Own Pace, Heal, and Discover WhoYou Truly Are
That mission and movement is possible only and only by having you being part of it.
I feel and believe the TIME is NOW, it's time to Reunite, to Come Together, Take Back Control of our Lives and Align Together as ONE!
YOU Conscious You Community
YOU Conscious You is a Private Community To Regroup, Educate, Transform & Impact Women's Lives As Together We Are Stronger!
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