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Setter Software COACHING is happening in 3 days
Welcome to the Community! Our mission is to teach the ONE work from home skill used by many people to make up to 6-figures per year with. - No running a complex business - No chasing clients - No customer support - No ads - No personal brand - No website building or ANYTHING like that... All inbound closers do is simply wake up, looking at a calendar of warm booked appointments that they spend 20-45+ minutes on each selling the companies virtual products or services you work with! Our Teachings Are Tailored For: 1. $5K-$20K+ Coaching/Info-Products 2. Tech Sales/SAAS All that is required for you to succeed in this space is learning how to set & close high ticket deals which we will show you in the community, and then landing a remote position which we also have connections & can assist in connecting you to the businesses hiring remote sales reps. But first... You need to master sales, I wouldn't expect you to code me an app if you've never coded before, it's the same thing with remote sales, there's specific frameworks & tonalities for different markets, which we will get into all of that. Watch the following video to fully understand ALL of your steps to becoming a remote high ticket rep. Onboarding Video: PS: This skill is NOT easy in the beginning, it will take hard work, if you're someone that is lazy then you will not be good at remote sales & nobody will want to bring you onto their remote sales team, the people who earn up to 6figures a year in sales work extremely hard & have studied & mastered the skill just like anything else in life. Income Disclaimer: Our course material is provided for educational purposes only and does not guarantee any financial success. Results vary and are dependent on individual effort and circumstances. The examples shown are not typical, and there is no assurance you will achieve similar results. Only hard work pays off!
👉👉👉 FREE 101 Coaching | 30min Sales & Role Landing Training
For being a member of the XCloser remote sales community, we're giving out free 101 coaching calls where we go into a deep dive of your setter/closer journey & make a game-plan to get you to that ideal monthly income you're trying to make! BOOK HERE:
1-2 of 2 (Remote Closing) helps people get into remote setting/closing. We teach ONE skill other remote reps use to earn up to 6figures per year with.
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