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Community Q&A is happening in 7 days
Introduce yourself !
Hey everyone if you have just joined the group feel free to introduce yourself - Your name - Where your based - Business you run - Goals regarding your personal brand
Coming Soon !
Hey everyoneif you are reading this you are amongst the very first people to join my community group on developing a personal brand and using it to build leverage to scale your businesses , Classroom video course will be coming soon highlighting and explaining in depth - setting up your socials - the type of content to create - the systems to build around your personal brand Im excited to share what Ive learned with you so feel free to ask any questions , If you are interested in 1-1 coaching with me to help implement the strategies and guide you along the way feel free to book a call or reach out on insta @masonstrm cheers !
Video modules !
For those interested in the exclusive community content I am releasing Module 1 within 2 weeks highlighting.. - What is a personal brand ? - How a personal brand is beneficial ! - Why you should invest in your personal brand ! Module 1 will be highlighting these topics in hopes of answering questions to those just starting or figuring out their personal brand and are on the edge or confused Module 2 will be : - How to build your foundation - How to choose your archetype - How to create content around your archetype ! This module is dedicated to those who seek direction and support in creating their personal brand ! Module 3 will be : - How to build systems around your brand - How to build systems your content - How to implement your content with your brand - How to target your ideal customer - How to build leverage via your Personal brand Module 3 is tailored to the individual looking for actionable information to apply to their own journey I am available for any questions you can Message me or ask in general if after you have watched the modules and want to discuss 1-1 feel free to Dm me as well !
You are unknown
You , your offer/business , your lifestyle , your story is all unknown , & the reason why the big names in the space or up & coming are having success is they share their stories and lessons they learn via building their personal brand This is the power of content consumers buy into the story but they only know your story if you show them and like many things there are layers to it I’m not saying to expose everything about your life but let me as you a question how are people supposed to know what your good at or what business you are apart of if you don’t show it ?
- Your name - Devraaj k - Where you're based - India - Business you run - Agency or SMMA - Goals regarding your brand - $5k/m at the end of the year Nice to meet you guys
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