⚔️✍️These 5 laws will *Instantly* make you a better writer✍️⚔️
I used to spend hours on every piece.
Only to result in…
It was so frustrating
I felt like punching my screen a thousand times.
So I spent the past year solely focused on writing.
• 1k+ words daily
• Writing just for training (not publishing)
• Implemented $4000+ of coaches and courses (Still am)
By the time you finish reading this piece, you will know what to implement into your writing to make it easier to read, more enjoyable, and less time-consuming.
Let's dive in:
/1/ Bullet lists
People are attracted to bullet points.
• They tell a story
• They are skimmable
• They look easy to read
• They break the pattern
People will often want to read the entire “list” as they don’t want to miss any important point.
This tip also goes for the entire structure (like this post)
/2/ Starting short and concise
Capture attention with short and concise punchy statements
Then once they are hooked - lead them into the sauce. Give them the real juice. Show them why reading was the right decision.
Focus on getting them to read the first few sentences.
Then make the next sentences want them to read the next.
But whatever you do, always start short and punchy, THEN give the logical statements.
/3/ Break apart sentences
Nobody wants to read a big block of text. It’s uneasy to the eye and really isn’t appealing. Yet so many people do this. DO YOU NOT SEE HOW BAD THIS LOOKS?! I mean… Who would want to read this?! This is what I call “Un-attractive Writing”.
/4/ Use dashes, parentheses, and speech thingies
Cut up your writing to make it more effective and give it a sense of — Freshness —
Instead of using a comma - use a dash.
This creates a sense of [pause] for the reader.
Using parentheses makes it easier to read (without them - this sentence would be way too long)
Plus this makes the reader read in a different voice.
Speech Thingies
These guys "" do the same as parentheses.
They make you read in a different voice - keeping it fresh and engaging
/5/ Use line breaks
To often do I see people use this
The wrong way - it’s like they just
Line break mid-sentence and it’s
Really annoying to read
Don’t just add line breaks for the sake of it
You want to use these to emphasize specific sentences (or create suspense)
A tip: Read your writing out loud and see if it “flows”, use and develop that intuition of yours.
BONUS: 1/3/1 Writing Style
(1 sentence) This is something I learned about very recently (and I love it)
(3 sentences) The whole gist of it is to alternate between short and long paragraphs. This creates a sense of “leaving & entering” your ideas. Making the whole piece flow more.
(1 sentence) By doing this - the reader gets a mental break.
(1 sentence) He can gather his thoughts before diving back into the next idea.
(3 sentences) Then just like that, you bring him back in. Give him a longer paragraph, maybe even mix in a long sentence to keep your reader intrigued (just like that one). All to end in a nice soft way.
(1 sentence) Cool right?
COOL TIP: You can and should make your own writing styles. Like a 1/2/3/1 or whatever. Test and play around with flow. Find what works for you.
• Use bullet lists
• Start short and concise
• Break apart sentences
• Use dashes, parentheses, and speech thingies
• Use line breaks
• Experiment with 1/3/1 (Use it when you think works best)
Next time you write - use this as a checklist to see how you can structure it better.
We are at war with cheap dopamine.
Creating good content is how we fight back.
By applying this, you'll be making a positive impact on the world.
You'll be the hero we all know you are. I trust you.
That's a wrap.
P.S. We have an upgraded version of X Order that hosts masterclasses with Dan Koe, Taylin Simmonds, Dakota Robertson, and many more creators... (Taylin Simmonds is coming on THIS WEDNESDAY)
This upgraded version is a tight-nit, ULTRA high-quality version of X Order Team with extra resources, weekly calls, and instant custom support.
But here's the deal... Due to the demand & exclusivity, we are only accepting 50 members. NOT ONLY THAT, but 50 members before the 6th of March. (4-5 days after this post)
If you want more info on what's inside... [CLICK HERE]
Euan Spencer
⚔️✍️These 5 laws will *Instantly* make you a better writer✍️⚔️
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