I've been hearing a lot more about new "low-calorie" wines lately-- more of them coming to market, becoming trendy, promoting somewhat "healthier" drinking... I tried this one from Chile a few days ago and unfortunately, I wasn't too impressed. 馃槖
It was the Klean Pinot Grigio, and it was pretty well-reviewed at Total Wine. I was really surprised at how mouth-puckeringly tart it was-- not very balanced, in my opinion (which makes sense given it's only 8.5% alcohol...). It wasn't very complex, which is not unusual for a Pinot Grigio, but the finish tasted like straight-up apple juice, which I am personally not a fan of. I had to open a different bottle to try and drink for the night! Only drank one glass. Womp womp. I'll take the extra ~20 calories per glass and get a good white wine.