๐Ÿ“š Class Story Writing Task ๐Ÿ“š
Here's to a new week everyone!
Let's kick off this Monday with a fun and creative activity where we will write a story together as a class.
Our story is called "Gary the Wolf."
  1. I'll start the story.
  2. Each of you will take turns adding one or two sentences to continue the story.
  3. Your sentences should connect to what the person before you wrote. Think about what might happen next or how you can add to the story.
  4. Use your imagination! This can be a funny story, a scary story, a crazy story, or a mixture! Let's see where our creativity can take us in the English language.
Why This is Great:
  • This is a chance to practice writing in English while being creative.
  • Weโ€™ll create something unique together that we can all get some enjoyment from.
Letโ€™s get started and see where this story takes us. I'll start in the comments below and the first person to read this can continue.
Let's go! โœ๏ธ
Complete action
David De' Ath
๐Ÿ“š Class Story Writing Task ๐Ÿ“š
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