12,244 window cleaners are employed in the US
The average age of an employed window cleaner is 44 years old
The US window cleaning market size is $2B (per year)
A average window cleaner’s salary in the United States is $38,200 ($51,708 CAD)
The window cleaner’s salary ranges from $34,583 to $42,967 ($46,812 to $58,161 CAD)
This is easy to achieve and does not take much additional effort to vastly surpass. This is likely data from employees who work in window cleaning companies and not people who do it themselves.
More data that this does not include is the number of hours worked.
Many window cleaners make 100$+ per hour. at 35k a year, that is only 350 hours worked.
Which is only 9 weeks of 40 hours per year, then doing absolutely nothing.
Which is what a lot of people do in this industry, they work hard, but do not work full time. You technically only need to do this part time to pay your bills. (once you have learned the skills of course)