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Seminar Of the Century Bob Proctor
Your paradigm determines your logic Tapes: Earl Nightingale's The strangest secret Recommended Books: Think and Grow Rich (Napoleon Hill) The Science of Getting Rich (Wallace D Wattles) Publishing Company:
Seminar of the Century David Wolfe
Topic Nutrition Book: The Sun food diet success system Naked Chocolate Saguaro Cactus fruit Cacao nut raw organic chocolate oil (cocoa butter) Goji berry (best berry in the world) Moral of the story: eat cacao Goji Berry's Cashew Nuts all together. I'm actually excited for nutrition and this seems like a easy way to get started. eating chocolate and Berrys instead of other snacks whenever you're just roaming around. Just add it to the diet. If you can start trying this let me know how it goes and the changes you experience.
Reading LISTT!!
Here are some super valuable books that I want to read coming up that I'm super excited about. The magic of thinking big - David schwartz The book the secret - rhonda byrne 7 spiritual laws of success- depac choper chicken soup for the soul how to make the rest of your life the best of your life cracking the millionaire code Got these recommended by "Seminar of the Century" Basically from this course that came with a $10k personal development training so Check them out let me know if you get any value
New comment Jan 31
Seminar of The Century Notes:
Tax Lien Certificates (Higher percentage returns on money) (4.5 million dollar mansion was bought for 15k) Cracking The Millionaire Code (Book) The Blue Ocean Strategy (Book) Paul Zane Pilzer wrote unlimited wealth (book) Publishing company: Hansen House Stay Fit Every Day No Matter What Be limber, Stretch workout. 91st and 5th avenue new York where Helen Keller lived.
I just watched "The Secret" by Rhonda Byrnee and it has absolutely changed the game for how I see personal development. Yeah I've read a lot and heard a lot but honestly really really helped just sum up everything I've learned
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