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$23,000 Wholesale Fee from a Mobile Home
How did we make $23k on this one deal and how can you learn from this recent deal we sold and do the same thing. We got this deal from another wholesaler who needed help selling this one ☝️ We reached out to our buyers list in our CRM system and sold the deal within a couple of hours for top dollar! 💵 Making the other wholesaler $43k on this deal 😏 Everyone wins when you co-wholesale if you actually provide value which is what we did for that wholesaler and our cash buyer. Let’s get you your first deal I have a free training that you can get access to today.
New comment 1d ago
$23,000 Wholesale Fee from a Mobile Home
How to Wholesale Luxury Real Estate
Watch along on this first part series of two where we show you a luxury fix and flip before and after Let’s do deals send me a message
How to Wholesale Luxury Real Estate
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Let's get to know each other! Comment below sharing where you are at or where you are doing deal right now. One of the quickest ways to become successful is to expand your network with people doing what you want to do.
New comment 4d ago
This Deal Took Us 1 Year to Make $20k
Follow-up is everything and what I share in this video will show you the right ways to handle a seller who signs a contract and doesn't perform so we had to put a memorandum on the house. A year of calling the seller checking in with them finally we got them to move forward our legally binding contract and make a $20k profit.
This Deal Took Us 1 Year to Make $20k
Arizona & Texas wholesaler
Hello Kyle!! Thanks for this opportunity to connect, learn, and grow. I am a Realtor, Wholesaler based in Tucson AZ. I wholesale SFR's in Tucson, AZ, and parcels of Land all over Texas. I look forward to connecting with like minded people and sharing our value. 👍
New comment 4d ago
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Wholesale Real Estate
Learn how to wholesale real estate with Kyle Allen who's going to teach you how to get started to scaling your business join today.
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