So I shot you guys another YouTube video.
Revealing the 12 emails to send every week, for three months, to your list. These emails will get people replying and clamouring to work with you. No list? No problem. You can post these on social media, or use them as a framework to send cold DMs.
Fun story: The 5130 email I speak about in this video landed a £50,000 client for one of our Elites within a couple of hours of posting it on LinkedIn (Yes, it works on socials too). He posted it during a live workshop in Cork. The lead (who turned into a client) had been following him for months, and this style of post lured him out of his cave with pockets full of cash ready to hand over.
I've already had a handful of emails from watchers telling me how they've generated more leads in a day than they have in a month by following this framework.
Thank you to those people for letting me know our shit works.
Once you have watched it, let me know if you hated it.