Weekend Academy
Private group
173 members
Hard pill to swallow;
  • People without degrees are snatching your dream job.
  • There is a clear skill gap between graduates and ideal employees.
  • College / uni is not filling in this skill gap.
In the Weekend Academy, we give you;
šŸŽ„ Courses, video lessons and templates teaching you the three key skills graduates are lacking (proactivity, learning & communication). (worth $997)
šŸ¤ Access to like-minded students so you can get feedback. (worth $149 p/m)
šŸš€ Weekly masterminds and challenges so you stay disciplined. (worth $199 p/m)
šŸŽÆ Video Q&As and accountability so you get s#!t done (worth $99 p/m)
You get $1444 worth of value for a grand price of....$0.00.
Through these skills, you can dropout of the traditional route and still succeed.
These skills allowed me to land a job (no degree), crazy opportunities (meet my idols and access to mentors) and move out of home at 19.
This community will be free forever waiting for you, but your dreams won't wait for you - Join today and get ahead.
Weekend Academy
Teaching you skills that school won't, so you can dropout the traditional route and still succeed.
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