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Introduce yourself! (If you want)
What's up guys?! I would love to know more about you if you want to share. Just looking to see where y'all are at in your journeys and what you hope to gain from the group! Share as little or as much as you want! I hope this community can be a place of value for anyone in their coding journey. P.S. share this link with the people you know: Always love to see new people join! Happy coding, Sam
New comment 8d ago
Video on Classes
Hey guys! I just posted the next portion of the JavaScript course on classes. Classes are super cool, so go make sure you check it out and learn what they are. Reach out with any questions that you have. Happy coding, Sam
Video on Classes
Tip for July 3rd, 2024
Simply creating a function doesn't do anything. Make sure to remember to call you function! Let me know if you have any questions. Happy coding, Sam
Tip for July 3rd, 2024
What's up guys?! I just posted a video and some additional material explaining what objects are in JavaScript. Hopefully that video is useful and explains how to use them. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Stay tuned for more videos in the near future on using objects with forms in HTML. Also, I plan to come out with a video showing my programming process with building a website from start to finish. Those should both come out soon. Thank you for your patience. Happy coding, Sam
New comment 5d ago
What's up guys?! We've gotten a few new members. Stay tuned. Im traveling this week and haven't been able to post as much as usual, but am hoping to get back into the groove next week with some content that is hopefully useful to you guys!! Apologies for my absence! Let me know if y'all have any questions. Always happy to help out. Happy coding, Sam
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Public group
What's up guys?! My name is Samuel Teigland, and I started this group so that we can help each other grow in our individual programming journeys!
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