And you’re next to enlist on the battlefield. REMEMBER this List below:
- Masculinity
- Self-Improvement
- Stoicism
- Luke 2:52
You will need this Mental Armour to survive fear, prepare or get left
AHHAHAHAHAHYo we are under attack quick prepare, ARE you facing
realty they are coming. We will need to fight everyday for the rest of our lives.
(YOU) thinking in your head). AHAHAHHAHA what should I do, join or die? It will be hard if I join but I get to live
but am I strong enough?
Captain Connor Says only the strong will say yes. For its
easy to die what will you do?
(You) AHRRRRRRRRRRRRR I will join captain
Connor Wilden. Just call me Captain Connor.
What we want too attract in are community!
We like to attract people with characters, integrity, cougar and a strong grow mind set,
with a strong moral compare,
That people try hard as hard as possible to follow it exactly.
so if it changes it changes slowly because it show character.
One Piece!!!, Artist: (zzyzzyy)