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New comment Jun 4
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New comment Apr 23
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Med School Dropout ---> Financially Free [6 Key Learnings]
So you read my title and the university dropout part may have resonated with you. A little about me: - I dropped out of med school December 2021 - My first 10k month was in October 2023 - My first 20k month was in January 2024 - I went from making $500-1000 per client per month [SMMA] to $1000 per day from a REAL WORLD business [Ez Cranes] The following 6 dot points are essential life lessons you must understand. Think of me as an older brother sharing wisdom to you. UnFry your Titkok brain by reading this in its entirety. 1. Your parents will NEVER understand your vision. Unfortunately they have been programmed in such a way that making money online or through any sort of 'random ass' business doesn't make them proud. They want to tell their friends that you are a doctor/engineer/lawyer - Especially in the ethnic/brown community. My parents STILL want me to go get a marketing degree at university even though I own a marketing company which has 10+ employees. Their words: "Degree ta lani hi parti aa". --> "You need to have a degree" 2.⁠ ⁠If you are a young man with a brother, you have won the lottery in my eyes. Lets face it, these days you need a brotherhood. Thats why we all are in Adonis Gang right? None of my success in business was luck. But being born with an older brother was. I failed 10+ times before I eventually started making money- The faith and confidence he had in me is what kept me going during the rough part of this journey. Speaking of this journey. On my journey 'up', I cut off many of my old friends (crabs lol) , and so did my brother. But this doesn't bother us at all. Because we have each other and we are likeminded. So if you have a brother and you are not best mates. FIX IT, and fix it now. 3.⁠ ⁠Show up every single day. I get asked quite often 'whats the trick bro?' or 'what is one piece of advice you can give me' The Silver Bullet you are looking for is this. Show up every single day.
New comment Apr 14
Med School Dropout ---> Financially Free [6 Key Learnings]
Remain Calm, Composed & Logical 💫
This is another post summarising a video from the 1stman course module. Please make sure to thoroughly read the notes below and apply them to your life. - You cannot get jealous or angry as a man - The best skill to have as a man is to be cool and calm in any circumstance - Show no emotion under pressure - Be calm and composed in any dangerous situation (e.g. sip a cup of coffee while watching everyone run around) - Radiate your masculine aura, the sense of calmness and composure - Turn off your emotional brain 90% of the time - Turn on your logical brain all the time - Read the book 'the chimp paradox' - To turn on neocortex, shift your attention to your body and any of your 5 senses for 1 minute - Don't give a fuck, don't get bothered by what you say, say what you what to say  - Make sure nothing bothers you, and see things as they are, say things as they are - Ask yourself “What is the right thing to do” - say this in all situations Find 1 thing from this post that you can implement TODAY. I want you to write that thing down in the comments so you can be held accountable.
Hey guys im new here hope, im welcomed
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WARR Brothers- Public
A story of two brothers who become something from nothing.
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