Are you someone who has poor eyesight?
Are you tired of wearing glasses or contacts? Are you tired of having to go to the eye doctor every year and getting stronger prescriptions? Are you tired of having migraines or eye pain, when working on the computer? I struggled all my life with poor eyesight, eye pain, and migraines, At the age of 13 years old, I was diagnosed with a grade of 20/950 on each eye. When a grade of 20/200 is considered legally blind. Consulted multiple doctors and was told that I did not qualify for LASIK because my grade was too high and that my poor eye sight would just come back. That I had to live with this disability for the rest of my life, I felt Hopeless and Desperate. Spent hundreds of dollars on dozens of different cures, eye exercises, and natural remedies To correct my vision problems but none worked. At the age of 17 years old, I spoke to Dr. Go who recommended the Trifocal IOL lens implant surgery, After 2 years of saving up $4,000, I finally got the surgery, 24 hours after the surgery, I was in tears. It was the first time I could see without my glasses. I achieved 20/15 Perfect vision even better than the normal 20/20 vision. My God, what a Miracle! This procedure called Lens Replacement Surgery has been around for a long time, And the only question I asked myself, Was why did I have to suffer all those years when I could have gotten this sooner. Why did those previous eye doctors always want me to get prescription glasses or contacts? What a life-changing operation it has been for me. I would suggest anyone who has a grade of 20/600+ and is sick and tired of getting migraines from using glasses or contacts. It has been 5 years since I got the surgery and I still can't believe that I can see clearly without any issues and without any prescription glasses. In the US, It would cost you about $6,000 - $8,000 per eye and most insurance companies will never cover this type of surgery because it is an elective surgery. They will tell you that they already cover for glasses and contacts which fixes your vision and that this surgery is not necessary.