Hey guys I want to share a quick thought on something that's been helping me lately the 1% rule. It's a simple idea that if you focus on getting 1% better in different areas of your life each day, it adds up in a big way over time. For me, I'm trying to improve just 1% daily in my finances, relationships, business, health, and faith. We often ignore the small gains beacuse they seem so tiny, right? We get caught up in wanting big results, and when we don't see them, we start to doubt ourselves. But here's the truth: that 1% matters! It's like building a house brick by brick. It's slow, but if you keep at it, you'll see something amazing come together. The problem is, when we focus only on big outcomes, we forget to celebrate the small wins, and we can lose sight of the progress we're making. Worse, we might even give up because it doesn't feel like we're moving fast enough. But there's no shortcut to real growth, no matter how good something might sound. So, I'm curious: What's one area in your life where you can work on improving by just 1% today? Let's keep each other encouraged and remember that small steps lead to big changes over time. Would love to hear your thoughts!