Start Here (Please Read) and Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Virtual Closing Institute community.
You're now on the path to learning exactly what it takes to close High Ticket deals without ever having to "sell" or "convince" anyone of buying.
Here we believe selling High Ticket through "inception". This allows you the power to make your prospects not only buy, but QUALIFY themselves to you.
With this process in the place you'll be equipped with the best system to also build and scale a sales team (if you ever decide to do so).
My vision is to make this free community the #1 place for creating and training sales professionals in the High Ticket Industry.
Here's EXACTLY what to do first:
Step 1: Fill out the new member questionnaire here:
This is super important so we can know how to customize the experience for you and can notify you when new trainings/events come out that are relevant to your needs.
Step 2: Introduce yourself HERE while answering these questions
Are you a Sales Professional or Business Owner?
Where are you from?
What industry are you in and what offer do you currently sell?
What is the most you'd like to get out of this community?
What is a hobby or skill that you have that most people never knew about you?
Step 3: Watch the START HERE videos in the Classroom area
Best practices in this community:
• Try to level up quickly by commenting and posting your insights in the community.
• Post any deals you close in the "Booms" to celebrate your wins.
• Hit 'Like' 👍 on every helpful post or comment you see to help others level up.
• When you write a post, break up your paragraphs into single sentences like I am doing now - this way more people will read what you write, and actually reply.
• Be helpful and humble to your peers.
• If you ever get stuck, feel overwhelmed, are not sure what 'next step' to take, just ask the community.
Group Rules:
1) No Self Promotion - we're all here to learn and grow together. Don't be "that guy/gal" who gets banned for promoting themselves
2) No "DM Me" Call to Actions...ever. Only ask for people to reply or comment. Not DM. Skool is cracking down on this because of DM spamming.
3) No Posting Hiring Opportunities (Period) - The entire point of this community is having the right processes in place to set sales professionals and business owners up for success. There will be a Hiring/Partner Area created here eventually for opportunities that I have personally vetted myself. You'll be able to submit your opportunity for approval and if approved it will be added to the section for sales professionals to apply.
1 comment
Dylan Starr
Start Here (Please Read) and Introduce Yourself
Virtual Closing Institute
The #1 Online Training & Community for High Ticket Sales
Leaderboard (30-day)
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