Make them so certain that they seem silly for saying no...
On Tonights training call at 5pm EST, I'll be teaching a framework I developed called The Certainty Close™.
I've used this after price dropping so many times and closed a lot of deals with it. You'll notice that this style is used a bunch in the reframe document in tools area of Skool as well, however, I've never broken it down into steps until now.
If they are on the fence and you're stumped with how to overcome the objection you KNOW they should be signing up because there's no reason for them not too, then this will be your most powerful close you can hit them with.
It's advanced, and requires absolute certainty in your tonality to pull this off, but it WORKS.
See you this evening!!!
Dylan Starr
Make them so certain that they seem silly for saying no...
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