Ever had one of those small moments that hits you with a big lesson?
That was my day at the gym.
I finished my workout and headed to the front desk to validate my parking ticket.
But guess what?
It wouldn’t work.
I asked the front desk guy, "What’s up with this?"
He looked at the ticket and said, "Looks like it's been de-magnetized. It's probably too close to other cards in your wallet."
"Really?" I thought.
Just a simple thing, but it got me thinking...
In business, staying too close to negative people can "de-magnetize" you too.
You start doubting yourself, second-guessing your choices, and losing that spark that made you start your journey.
We all know those people who can't see the bright side of anything.
The ones who find issues in every solution.
Now, don't get me wrong. Feedback is gold.
But when negativity is all you’re getting, it can wear you down.
Keep that magnetic energy strong by surrounding yourself with positive, like-minded folks.
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