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Level 1 - Newcomer
100% of members
Level 2 - Helper
Unlock "Introduction Completion Gift" 0% of members
Level 3 - Beginner
Unlock "Video tool kit" 0% of members
Level 4 - Aspiring
Unlock "Storage Pro" 0% of members
Level 5 - Videographer
Unlock "Group Calls" 0% of members
Level 6 - Video pro
Unlock "Vision Video Template" 0% of members
Level 7 - Expert in Video
Unlock "Vision Video Review" 0% of members
Level 8 - Brand Master
Unlock "Free 1 Month in Paid Community ($87 Value)" 0% of members
Level 9 - Legend
Unlock "Exclusive 1-1 call with Donovan" 0% of members
Last updated: Sep 20th 2024 2:27am
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