Vedic School
Private group
20 members
Join vedic School and learn how to live and think according to the knowledge of the vedas.
What's inside Vedic School
Vegetarian (ayureveda) based cooking recipes (usually based at $700 for full recipes and walk through guide) now free
Martial arts, fitness coaching and tracking (course usually starts at $1200) now free
Vedic cosmology learn the truth according to the vedas ( free course )
Music karatells, mrdanga harmonium and more ( course usually starts at 1000) now free
Philosophy discussion group ( free )
Group discussion calls ( free )
This will be a full comprehensive community based around learning the different arts of the vedas. From cooking, cosmology, music, philosophy, martial arts and so much more. This, i believe will turn into one of the most valuable assets the internet has to offer.
So i welcome you to this community and wish you all the best
Your servant Tamal Krishna Das
Vedic School
This is one of the greatest resources available on the internet. Covering all things vedic from philosophy, cooking music and much more. Namaste 🙏
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