A Harvard Business Study That Will Make You More Money
"Harvard Business Review published a study that showed an average of 391% increase in sales when businesses called leads within 60 seconds of them opting in." - Alex Hormozi
Quick response time is also something that my friend Harlan, (@TheFiverrGuy_ on Twitter) noted as one of the core elements to his success, earning over $1M on Fiverr. Unless he's sleeping, he responds to all his leads within 5 minutes.
This became crystal clear to me a few months ago when I was hiring a graphic designer. I reached out to 3-5 designers and 1 of them replied within 3 minutes. He gave me a price, a timeline, and a plan for the project, and I hired him on the spot.
We had an entire conversation within 10 minutes, before most of the other designers replied.
EVERYONE here can contact leads quicker and close more clients.
This is even more important if your clients often need projects completed on short timelines, or if you offer services that are less expensive (graphic design, video editing, etc) as some clients will hire you without getting on a call. This means you can close deals within 15 minutes via text... IF you respond quickly.
TLDR: Focus on contacting leads ASAP and I guarantee you'll close more deals.
The easiest way to do this is to have the Upwork app on your phone and turn notifications on.
That's all for today's post.
Nico Hessel
A Harvard Business Study That Will Make You More Money
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