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Sleep pattern as our age
Sleep 💤 💤 How Your Sleep Needs Change Throughout Your Life??? Sleep During Childhood 🧒 Sleep needed: 9 to 16 hours per 24-hour period depending on age (the younger you are, the more sleep you need!) Sleep During Teenage Years🧒 Sleep needed: 8–10 hours per night Sleep During Adulthood Sleep needed: 7 or more hours per night With work commitments, family responsibilities, and other lifestyle changes that happen in adulthood, it should come as no surprise that between your 30s to 50s are the years you get the least amount of sleep. Sleep During Senior Years🤨 As you enter your 50s and beyond, your sleep patterns continue to evolve. The most significant change observed is a shift in sleep architecture, characterized by a decline in deep sleep and REM sleep. You might have more fragmented sleep, waking up more often during the night and struggling to fall back asleep. This reduces your sleep efficiency, a key contributor to your sleep quality. Things to Keep in Mind✅✅✅ How and when you sleep can change over time. This can be mediated by changing hormone levels, lifestyle commitments, and your daily routine. Using tools , you can discover your chronotype and determine whether or not your habits align with your body’s needs. By understanding what forces your circadian rhythm out of alignment, you can adjust your actions to keep your internal clock running smoothly. 😀😀😀 Photo from Dallas 🛌👍
Sleep pattern as our age
The "Best Food of Different Parts of The Body"
Here is the list of foods beneficial for different parts of the body, includes proteins biotin and omega 3 fatty acids . *For eye health: corn , carrots and eggs . *For muscle health: bananas ,red meat and eggs *For healthy hair: green vegetables , beans and salmon . *For healthy brain: salmon ,walnuts ,tuna and sardines . *For healthy heart: potatoes and tomatoes also antioxidant rich foods like berries and leafy greens *For bowels health: yogurt and prunes *For skin health: green tea, salmon and blueberries aid digestion and promote a healthy gut *For healthy lungs: broccoli and brussels sprouts are antioxidant rich *Milk and oranges are essential for bone health... I wish you all a pleasant rest of the day 🗓️ with lots of outdoor activities! ‍ ... proper posture, good nutrition and sleep... With love 🙏❤️ Danny
The "Best Food of Different Parts of The Body"
Cold Shower or Hot Shower?🚿🛁
Cold water : 1.Prevents colds 2.Tightens the skin 3.Reduces tension in mind 4.Stimulates the immune system 5.Accelerates metabolism Hot water: 1.Reduces tiredness 2.Reduces headache 3.Relaxes the muscles 4.Relieves of nasal congestion 5.0pens pores and cleanses the skin
New comment Oct '23
Cold Shower or Hot Shower?🚿🛁
Why Do we Wake Up at 3am? (Midnight )
And some healthy tips ✅✅👍 Below are some lifestyle habits that could be the culprit behind your middle-of-the-night wake-ups, plus potential solutions to sleep more soundly in the future. 1. Eating or Drinking Late at Night Consuming the wrong foods and drinks can significantly disrupt your sleep patterns. For instance, eating too close to bedtime can keep your digestive system working even as the rest of your body winds down for sleep. Large meals in the evening can cause indigestion, heartburn, or acid reflux, especially if you lie down soon after eating. This is because when you’re in a horizontal position, it’s easier for stomach acid to flow back into the esophagus, leading to discomfort and potential sleep problems. Additionally, eating can rev up your metabolism, which can raise your body temperature. An increased body temperature can interfere with your body’s ability to fall asleep, as a cooler body temperature is more conducive to sleep. Blood sugar may also be playing a role in your sleep issues. For instance, a meal that’s rich in sugars or simple carbohydrates can cause a spike in blood sugar. Research indicates that in healthy individuals, blood sugar rises during sleep. However, a sugar spike before bed can cause your blood sugar to crash during the night, causing early-morning awakenings. Consuming large amounts of caffeine, alcohol, or nicotine, especially later in the day, can also disrupt sleep. Finally, if you find yourself taking regular bathroom breaks during the night, it could be from drinking too much water before going to bed. Solution: Eat your last meal at least two to three hours before bedtime, and stay away from carbohydrate-rich foods right before you go to sleep. If you’re hungry before bed, eat a light snack that balances protein, fats, and carbs. #healthylifestyle #qualitysleep #longevitylifestyle
Why Do we Wake Up at 3am? (Midnight )
Triangle of Health🔺💪
To thrive in life apply the “Triangle of Health” mental model. In this framework, our overall health depends on mental, nutritional and physical factors. * Mental is not just about staying intellectually sharp but also emotionally regulated. The ability to express your thoughts, your vulnerability, your feelings, your network of friends and family allowing you your space, etc., all drive emotional stability. Mental health is a rising concern worldwide with the rise in loneliness, apathy and a prevailing sense of hollowness and disconnectedness. This is despite a sharp rise in abundance and a growing middle class. * Nutritional is all about what we put into our bodies that affects our chemistry. Mindful eating and drinking can radically shift our health trajectory. It is also one of the most important drivers of morbidity prevention, longevity, health span and our physical appearance. Don’t eat to feel different, think to eat different. * Physical or structural is about how we move and not just about how we look. Work on your body so that it is functional throughout your lifespan. Are you doing the right activities and exercises in your younger years so that you remain strong and flexible enough to for example, pick your grandchildren up from the floor and put them back without risking injury? If one side of the triangle gets compromised, the entire health triangle gets compromised. You can’t look and feel good with poor nutrition. You can’t live a peaceful and fulfilling life without mental and emotional well-being regardless of how disciplined you are with food and exercise. Seek holistic health and know there are no hacks or shortcuts. It’s a mindful decision to live better and be better for yourself and loved ones. With love ❤️💪 Danny
New comment Sep '23
Triangle of Health🔺💪
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